View Full Version : Channel list gone mad

08-01-2015, 12:47 AM
My 7000 hd has for some reason started to load hundreds of channels all the same. If I scanned, as I did the other day, the transponder for sly sport 5 it put hundreds of Sly sport 5 channels in fact filling up the ch list completely. And there is more. You can only delete 1 at a time using the ch menu EG highlight ch press blue and save.
Anyone seen this before :eek:

09-01-2015, 12:15 AM
Update. My box seemed to go haywire after having been reconnected after a IPTV box into server was disconnected. I did a factory reset and the prob remained I then borrowed my neighbours ch list on usb( he also has 7000 I helped him set it up) and now all is well. So it must have been a corruption in the ch data UDB.
I used his copy as I had managed to corrupt mine by writing to instead of downloading from.. a slight cock up.