View Full Version : Newbie here

02-02-2015, 12:05 AM
Hi All , just getting back into the Sat hobby ,was a user 5 years ago , but due to a house move ect , have only decided to put my 80cm motorised dish up again. have been running the cheap openbox with all the correct inputs, but now have purchased a Vuo + duo 2 running the latest Blackhole image . wow its a bit more complicated than I thought , with help from you fellas I might stop pulling my hair out , without breaking any rules , how the hell do I put lines on this box , ??? any answers ??? many thanks ..

02-02-2015, 12:13 AM
moved to the duo 2 forum

now just read the sticky threads that explain the basic setup etc, including answers to what you have asked (cccam 230)

02-02-2015, 12:20 AM
It depends what cam you are using, if you let us know we can tell you what files need editing.