View Full Version : BBC Earth and BBC Brit

02-02-2015, 10:45 AM
BBC Knowledge SD and BBC Knowledge HD changed their names to BBC Earth SD and HD on Hotbird ( SD: 11.117 V 27500 and HD: 10.834 V 27500) Also BBC Entartainment on 11.117 V 27500 was changed to BBC BRIT. The HD version of the BBC BRIT channel also started broadcasting this morning on 12.476 H 29900) All the channels have english audio.
I am having problems viewing the BBC BRIT HD though. It worked a treat since 6am when it officially started broadcasting until about 9AM and now its all garbled up (as if the signal wasn't strong enough despite it being quite strong with S:90% and Q:78).Can somebody check the channel please and report back if it works for them? I dont know if its teething problems on their end or the fault lies my end?

02-02-2015, 11:02 AM
BBC Brit HD is fine for me mate in S Wales 100cm dish coming in at 93%

02-02-2015, 11:07 AM
BBC Brit HD is fine for me mate in S Wales 100cm dish coming in at 93%
Thank you. Looks like I need to get up there and adjust my multifeed some more then ( The channel is still garbled up as I type this message.

02-02-2015, 01:44 PM
http://s30.postimg.org/6yubohb2p/BBC_BRIT_2_2_2015_12_39_46.png ..http://s13.postimg.org/uy9b913vr/BBC_BRIT_2_2_2015_12_40_48.png..h ttp://s14.postimg.org/i7azszz4x/BBC_earth_2_2_2015_12_40_1.png..h ttp://s9.postimg.org/530gubn5r/BBC_Earth_HD_2_2_2015_12_40_23.pn g

02-02-2015, 02:24 PM
http://s30.postimg.org/6yubohb2p/BBC_BRIT_2_2_2015_12_39_46.png ..http://s13.postimg.org/uy9b913vr/BBC_BRIT_2_2_2015_12_40_48.png..h ttp://s14.postimg.org/i7azszz4x/BBC_earth_2_2_2015_12_40_1.png..h ttp://s9.postimg.org/530gubn5r/BBC_Earth_HD_2_2_2015_12_40_23.pn g
Thank You Barney. :respect-055:
I begin to wonder if its my box thats unable to handle this freq. Spent couple of hours trying to adjust the dish and multifeed and no luck, the figures for SIgnal& quality I posted above are the best I can get for this TP and the picture is still messed up. I will just have to be happy with what I have. Rest of the channels are working great so until they turn off the SD versions completely they will have to do for me. Too much work to start messing about with my setup (8lnbs over 3 dishes) Will get back to it when the weather improves, or fit the motor back on one of the dishes (I have one tm-2600 and one supreme dark gathering dust in the garage).
Edit: Right after posting this message I tried to view the channel again and it WORKS ???
Signal dropped to 79/64 and it's working ok? I give up

02-02-2015, 02:37 PM
i would say when weather improves bang on your TM-2600 Disecq motor
at least with that you can fine move untill you have perfect signals ..above screenshots taken from my TBS USB 5980 Qbox and ProgDVB with 78cm Triax dish and TM-2600 Disecq motor
with inverto black ultra LNB .
good luck : )


02-02-2015, 02:41 PM
i would say when weather improves bang on your TM-2600 Disecq motor
at least with that you can fine move untill you have perfect signals ..above screenshots taken from my TBS USB 5980 Qbox and ProgDVB with 78cm Triax dish and TM-2600 Disecq motor
with inverto black ultra LNB .
good luck : )

Nice screenshots :)
I have to rely on my photo camera here ;)
The channel is still working ok despite the drop in signal strenght. As long as it works I am happy with it :)

08-11-2017, 11:28 AM
Hi All

Just wondering if anyone has had this same problem ? I have had all the BBC polsat channels working within the last few days but now BBC Brit and BBC lifestyle now don't work however BBC HD BBC EARTH work fine . The box tries to decode BBC brit and opens enough to show the logo but rest of the picture is pixilated tried tewaking the dish but signal is in excess of 80%. Tried 2 boxes TM5402 and Zgemma H2S both boxes show the same problem any ideas appreciated !

08-11-2017, 12:01 PM
Just checked 12476 H 29900 DVB-S2 8PSK 3/4, on 13E, and there isn't a problem, with the channels on that frequency.
The problems, you've described, sound like interference, which can be caused by DECT telephones, have you recently installed one, or has your neighbour?
It can also be caused by a failing LNB, or faulty, damaged, cables/connections, especially water ingress.

08-11-2017, 12:13 PM
Just checked 12476 H 29900 DVB-S2 8PSK 3/4, on 13E, and there isn't a problem, with the channels on that frequency.
The problems, you've described, sound like interference, which can be caused by DECT telephones, have you recently installed one, or has your neighbour?
It can also be caused by a failing LNB, or faulty, damaged, cables/connections, especially water ingress.

All working fine here too!

08-11-2017, 12:20 PM
Thanks for that. I put on a new tm LNB a few days ago . but possibly could be the cabling as there was heavy rain here at the time the signal dissapeared. So yes thanks again as I now know that it should work !! thanks again

08-11-2017, 03:18 PM
Edit: Right after posting this message I tried to view the channel again and it WORKS ???
Signal dropped to 79/64 and it's working ok? I give up

Wireless Phone nearby ?

VBox ? (some VBoxes mine included have trouble with this frequency in both the high and low bands )


08-11-2017, 04:27 PM
OK thanks to all again lots of fiddling with cables did it !

15-11-2017, 12:44 PM
I noticed a few days ago that the sound on bbc earth has gone a bit dalek like the picture is fine and you can understand the sound track but its annoying. The sound is ok if you change to the polish audio track and the English sound is ok on bbc HD

I have retuned the receiver the signal strength is fine and I have compared the sound settings on bbc earth to bbc HD and they are identical.

Any ideas gratefully received

15-11-2017, 01:38 PM
You'll have to wait for the provider to solve the problem, as it's not down to your setup.
You could try BBC Earth HD on 0.8W, that audio is working fine.

15-11-2017, 02:11 PM
Thanks for that will look into .8w

15-11-2017, 07:17 PM
Problem seems fixed now !