View Full Version : best box for xbmc ?

08-02-2015, 12:13 PM
what is the best box to use for xbmc , preferably one that you can install a smart dns , to receive the geo-restricted sites and sites isp keeps blocking , thanks

08-02-2015, 12:19 PM
I suspect you mean KODI, so moved to the KODI forum

I also suspect if 10 people answer you they will give 10 different replies too

I will name one , MX2 (android black box) , although I cannot tell you if it does what you ask above

08-02-2015, 01:00 PM
i would suggest mygica atv582...and the bonus is...lee(goldwafers) sells it

08-02-2015, 04:21 PM
I've got heaps of things that run KODI - raspberry pi b+, raspeberry pi 2, minix neo x8h, udoo quad, ipad mini, NVidia shield tablet, nexus 5, nexus 7, nexus 9, 3x pc's, vu+ duo2, etc.......

If I am being honest m8 - the best thing to run Kodi on by a mile is a small factor pc - that can sit behind your TV + you can dual boot, triple boot, quad boot - the following openelec, Linux, windows, OSMC.

Reasons why are: It can update codecs easily, O/S software updatable easily, hardware updatable. Very fast boot times.

You should ask yourself the following before buying -

How much money do you have to spend?
What kind of remote control functions do you want to have for Kodi?
Do you want the box to do other things, such as playing games, web browsing etc?
What equipment do you already have?- ie you might have something you can already use.
Do you plan on being able to update the hardware to play 4k, 8k (depends on your internet speed, TV, network equipment, if you even have any of these files).

If it's just for watching the odd movie and you want to spend a small amount on money - my advice is to get a raspberry pi 2, or one of the many android boxes. Don't spend more than £100.

If you want to splash out - a decent small form factor PC - easily the best option and most configurable and updatable.

08-02-2015, 05:23 PM
me ive got mine on a laptop just run a hdmi from laptop to tv and use a wireless mouse simplicity

08-02-2015, 05:41 PM
me ive got mine on a laptop just run a hdmi from laptop to tv and use a wireless mouse simplicity
+1 :respect-054:
I've been doing that for a long time also. Eventualy got tired of having to plug it in to TV everytime I wanted to watch something on the big screen, so recently decided to upgrade a bit and bought a cheap WIN8.1 tablet and have it permanently mounted to the back of the TV. Have everything I could ever want from the media box + an added benefit of having a fully functioning windows 8.1 at the same time.This arrangement also allows for an easy access to films etc from any of my several laptops and Desktop pc's around the house.(homeshare)
Everything is controlled using a bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

09-02-2015, 11:47 PM
Have a Minix Neo mini X7 and played with other android boxes
IMHO - they are ****
they behave like a tablet - you can't scroll using a remote - must use a keyboard with a mouse
they are sloooow
much better off using a pc - whatever linux/winblows
just my 1c worth

09-02-2015, 11:49 PM
android MX2 allows you to scroll with remote , or an airmouse , or a wireless mouse for that matter

cheap, does the job, no real issues for less than £45 delivered in the uk (without airmouse or wifi mouse)

but I agree there are better options out there as can be seen from the replies

10-02-2015, 09:15 AM
I have a minix neo x8h plus and it has an air mouse.
It is an excellent piece of kit once you get used to the air mouse.

10-02-2015, 01:31 PM
Gi Spark 2 looks interesting sat box and android operating system. Not tried it yet but I am going too

10-02-2015, 01:39 PM
I run xbmc on my raspberry pi and use xbmc remote on my iphone to control it works flawless!

10-02-2015, 03:15 PM
i just run 3 from windows 7 and all gothom 13.2 and mx box just done update on that now that as spmc or something and a few things added. i just installed tvmc, because that's gothom based, and i rapped up the neo x7 because i use something else, but im sure i read about the x9 was £149.00 now £99. i didnt know that was out. thanks. just to add i dont think kodi is stable like gothom.

(ech did you update your mx,if what do you think i dont think spmc stable)

10-02-2015, 05:13 PM
I have minix x7 and x8H, both give very good service and easy control with air mouse.

10-02-2015, 06:55 PM
pipo x7 looks the answer to all are kodi dreams but were to buy in the uk

10-02-2015, 07:36 PM
Looking at all these replys i may have gone overboard on mine as i installed the Openelec version of kodi on my Intel NUC i5 overkill maybe but it is fooking lightning fast LOL :-)

10-02-2015, 08:48 PM
i have an amazon fire tv and its quicker than the apple tv 2 i had , was thinking of buying another aftv but some people are saying the device doesnt have a lot of space .

10-02-2015, 08:51 PM
I run quite a few devices with XBMC - Laptop, three tablets and an Ultra-M8 as the main one connected to the TV.
Any XMBC/KODI implementation is only as good as the way you setup it up.
The difference between a bare bones and a fully loaded system is vast.
Once I have it setup the way I want on the Ultra-M8 I transfer the setup to the other devices.
I paid a bit more for a fully loaded system with regular updates which makes life a lot easier.
Whatever setup you have it will always be high maintenance with all the add-on/link changes that happen.
