View Full Version : Primifilla

12-02-2015, 08:35 PM
Has primafilla changed freceancys I can't seem to get them opened just always scrambled thanks for any help I was told I needed to update my channel list but I put in the latest billy bots list still nothing working

12-02-2015, 09:45 PM
Been closed for months, HD gone same way as SLY. Try Lyngsat for the SD channels you may get one or two occasionally
if your lucky.

13-02-2015, 12:10 AM
Been closed for months, HD gone same way as SLY. Try Lyngsat for the SD channels you may get one or two occasionally
if your lucky.

Quite correct, in fact Sly Italia closed those channels and all of their HD Channels before Sly UK did something similar.

13-02-2015, 12:25 AM
thought my clock was wrong there for a moment

thought it was FEB 2014 instead of 2015 :)

I think the great Whitney has passed on too

13-02-2015, 12:39 AM
when did whitney pass next you will be telling me her daughter has aswell

13-02-2015, 01:11 AM
Wow - and I always thought sarcasm was the lowest form of wit? lol!!

13-02-2015, 01:25 AM
when did whitney pass next you will be telling me her daughter has aswelloff topic but since you asked ...Gospel-based singer Whitney Elizabeth Houston born August 9, 1963 – died on February 11, 2012 aged 59

The official coroner's report showed that she had accidentally drowned in the bathtub, with heart disease and cocaine use listed as contributing factors

Whitney Houston's daughter [ Bobbi Kristina Brown ] was involved in a traffic accident when her tyre blew out out on Jan. 27
not the first incident however and looks like she is in a complete downward spiral involved in many police disputes thus far .

So..Back on Topic ...Prima Fila has been down due to whatever loophole was exposed being 'repaired'
We wont see Prima Fila opened in the foreseeable future...at least not untill yet another card change perhaps ?
but dont rule it out Sly ITaly must have at least two vsersions of cards out there at least ???
093B , 09CD and not sure if any 0919 cards still are in working operation ? ...or were those the cards that had the loophole in 'em ??
really not sure i dont really follow Sly IT or SlyUK since there really is never anything to watch on those channels of any Real interest to me .
but im sure as long as there is still millions of peeps out there willing to waste thier money on horrid repeats and adverts then Mr.Murdok will still always be a greedy s*** billionaire :cuss: :beatdeadhorse5:

So in short No more Prima Fila ..Thank the greedy payservers for that one !!


13-02-2015, 01:39 AM
Cheers Barney, that's a mega comprehensive reply to our questioner Sparky147, plus do tend to agree with you re the Sly Italia wares being served up as being very non-descript too! lol!!

13-02-2015, 08:10 AM
Thanks everyone for there helpful information as for the smartar--s I will just ignore them thanks again

13-02-2015, 09:46 AM
nothing to do with spiderboxes

thread closed