View Full Version : Vusolo extentions wont install

16-02-2015, 08:48 AM
Hi friends.
After updating vusolo with openvix 147, the machine cant install nay extentions at all. It gives the cannot install message.
Tryed a fresh install (usb) with the same image and the problem wont go away.
Tryed an old image and the ome thing.
Can anyone point us to the right direction please?

16-02-2015, 11:50 AM
Unless your determent to install openvix try another image it may be the openvix image at fault.

16-02-2015, 01:49 PM
I recently flashed v147 (one day they'll get it right :D) and was able to install everything I wanted via the ViX feeds and elsewhere.

I will say however, that ViXEPG just crashed E2 when trying to access it via the EPG or miniEPG buttons. Not sure why or whether it was something I did but I tried flashing 3 times with the same result. In the end I installed coolepg instead and remapped the buttons. The illusive ViXBMC finally here and working. I enjoyed fiddling with it for a day before dumping it and returning to my trusty ATV edition but I am certain there are many out there who will enjoy an use it. I'm just fussy & it's only my opinion in case anyone wants to start lighting fires.

Did also note that there are no Catseye settings in the feeds nor 28E (Sty UK) dedicated settings which IMHO are a major oversights.

Good to see softcams still in the feeds but, WTF, no cccaminfo to be found anywhere or do I need to get my butt down to SpecSavers again???

If anyone wants a reasonable working backup let me know. :D

17-02-2015, 08:12 AM
I recently flashed v147 (one day they'll get it right :D) and was able to install everything I wanted via the ViX feeds and elsewhere.

I will say however, that ViXEPG just crashed E2 when trying to access it via the EPG or miniEPG buttons. Not sure why or whether it was something I did but I tried flashing 3 times with the same result. In the end I installed coolepg instead and remapped the buttons. The illusive ViXBMC finally here and working. I enjoyed fiddling with it for a day before dumping it and returning to my trusty ATV edition but I am certain there are many out there who will enjoy an use it. I'm just fussy & it's only my opinion in case anyone wants to start lighting fires.

Did also note that there are no Catseye settings in the feeds nor 28E (Sty UK) dedicated settings which IMHO are a major oversights.

Good to see softcams still in the feeds but, WTF, no cccaminfo to be found anywhere or do I need to get my butt down to SpecSavers again???

If anyone wants a reasonable working backup let me know. :D

Hi mate.
Just tryed out ATV cos u mentioned, do like it but i get server down message when trying to get extentions.
By tha way did try also BH and the result the same. I havent got a clue whats going on.
Anyone pleaasssseeee?