View Full Version : VU Solo Mini

25-02-2015, 12:09 AM

Can someone please help me

I am look for a BlackHole Flash for A

VU + Solo Mini

I have tried three so far and I can't get them to work

At the moment I am running OpenPLI which I am not to keen with

I have a VU + Duo running on BlackHole

But I can't find a copy for Mr Solo Mini

25-02-2015, 12:48 AM
It sounds like you have a clone receiver, not a genuine VU+, as I can't recall a VU+ Solo mini.
If it is a clone I'd avoid Black Hole, as this is designed for genuine VU+ receivers and can cause damage. Stick with other images, for the VU+ Solo mini.

25-02-2015, 12:58 AM
we dont support clones here so you probably wont find clone images here either

any that are found here will be deleted, to stop any confusion by genuine VU owners

25-02-2015, 09:39 AM
Thank you

I now understand why it will not except BH