View Full Version : Android permissions

25-02-2015, 10:26 PM
I'm getting increasingly annoyed with the amount of permissions that are needed by apps for android. Is there a way of installing apps and then removing permissions. I only ask as firefox wants to be able to take photos and make phone calls when it wants. I know I'm getting more paranoid but they wont be happy until there is a 24x7 feed in everyone’s home. My next phone will be a 3310 or doro.

25-02-2015, 10:47 PM
have a read here M8


26-02-2015, 08:15 PM
I have read that page before, it still doesn't put my mind at ease.

03-03-2015, 08:15 AM
Just root it and put CyanogenMod on it. You can stop any app doing anything