View Full Version : Icecrypt s1600chd 1407 etc.

26-02-2015, 09:35 AM
I am in Portugal and I am familiar with Technomate F3/5 and Openbox V5S. My new neighbour has with his apt. an Icecrypt S1600CHD and no instructions. The old owner had 28.2E channels and 27.5W channels. The connections and diseqc switch is all there but he only gets 27.5W. I have read on here a bit and I see that there are some hidden menus like 1407. Are there any more? What I want to do is to be able to set up a diseqc switch, set up a cccline and change the BISS codes when needed. I don't want to brick his box neither lol. IS there an idiot guide on here that I have missed? Thanks

26-02-2015, 09:22 PM

I can assist you with some points. I am not sure if this STB is working at this time but l have attached the lastest software which has the lastest BISS keys loaded. Transfer to a USB. To load the software you go to Menu> system> upgrade by USB> select the software no channels as you indicate that the channels are already on the STB. I am not sure about your diseqc switch but l set the diseqc to 1/4 to send a burst when l go from 27.5w to 28.2e

To assist you l have attached the lastest software for 27.5w and user guide as suplied with the STB and a copy of a guide for changing the BISS key which your neighbour may find useful. The BISS guide Keys are current.

28-02-2015, 05:07 PM
Thanks for info. I now have all Sky channels and 27.5. My next question is how do I enter a Cline manually? TIA

28-02-2015, 10:12 PM
When I record with my Icecrypt1600chd decoder from coded channel with latest firmvare above. Why cant I read and play the *.ts file recorded with a video player software om my computer. ? Why is it still coded after recording ? I have uoloaded all software + bootloader from the latest firmware above and used my own channel list from backup

Before I start recording there is also a message on screen saying "ci + re-encrypt only support ts record"

I dont understand why this becaus I have turned off "record as coded" in the USB- PWR settings

01-03-2015, 11:00 AM
The .ts files are recorded on the 1600 in encrypted format with the playback decoding done on the 1600. When you play the .ts file on any other device it will still be encrypted.

01-03-2015, 12:05 PM

As DJSat79 indicated the HD is encrypted and is specific however if you record the same program on the SD channel it will playback on your computer.

01-03-2015, 12:35 PM
Can anyone tell me how to enter a cline manually? I have a line N: XXXX.YYYY.ZZ 11112 AAA123 BBBBBBBB 0102030405060708091011121314
How and where do I enter it?

01-03-2015, 03:05 PM
Thank you "Ross_37"., but the channel i try to record from is not an marked as an HD channel, but it is encrypted. But how do I get into the SD channel for recording ? I tryed the EPG menu but the REC menu inside there is greyed out? I'am lost!

01-03-2015, 05:47 PM
mM73Rram my thought in trying to assist were based on free to air channels i.e. in the UK we can get BBC2 and BBC2 HD you are able to transfer the BBC2 as it is an SD channel. what is your channel?

01-03-2015, 06:18 PM
Ross_37, I am located in Norway and the encrypted channels I try to record from is TV2, TVNorge, TV3, NRK1,NRK2,NRK3 etc. I am able to watch recordings on my PC from recordings by s1600chd decoder from non-ecrypted channelse like Sky News,BBC World News, Visjon Norge and others non-ecrypted channels. I can get some of these Norwegian channels as HD channels and then they are marked as HD in the channels list. I dont see any others non-HD channels marked as SD or something, but maby the SD channels are all the non-marked channels. And I dont know how to transfer any of the HD marked channels to an SD channel ???

By the way. All the encrypted channels are also marked with a dollar($) sign and non encrypted channels are not marked with the dollar($) sign in the channels list.

So my problem is that I cant watch recorded(playback) encrypted channels video files on my Computer like I am able to do in the s1600chd decoder.

03-03-2015, 11:10 PM
Thanks folks by following the suggestions in https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?163751-how-to-add-clines-to-icecrypt-s1600chd
I have been able to enter my Nline manually. My difficulty was not realising that I had to press the green button to edit. that got me into the area I could enter my Nline