View Full Version : Duo2 + Webif + SSH problem on ViX

27-02-2015, 03:30 PM
I'm trying to set up SSH tunnelling to allow a secure connection to webif from the WAN. I've been following a very good walkthrough, but have hit a problem. I will go over the steps I have completed, so people can understand where my problem is encountered.

1) I created an SSH tunnel via putty on the standard port (22) and I can connect fine through putty. At that point, I could type and get the webif interface.

2) I forwarded TCP port XXXX on my router to port 22 on my Duo2

3) I went back into putty, and this time created the tunnel to my router's IP address and the forwarded port number. When I try to connect with this, I get "Network Error: Connection Refused". At this point, I am not sure what I need to do, so that I can continue following the instructions

I read something about the SSH configuration on the box possibly blocking any IP other than the one that made the first connection. The problem is, I can't find the SSH configuration file on my Duo2 to check. Reading several posts gives me the impression that it should be in /etc/ssh/. That folder does not exist on my box. I found two files "ssh.service" and "sftp.-ssh.service" in /etc/avahi/services/ folder but I can't see anything in them that would cause the problem.

Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing the problem?