View Full Version : Vu+ duo2 crash

27-02-2015, 05:00 PM
Hi, I have next to no knowledge of how this vu+ duo2 works.
But I managed to set up the WLAN connection, went about downloading and installing plugins.
But after I download and installed Web browser plugin, the system gave me the option to reboot and I clicked reboot.
Now the Vu starts over and over again, and it shows intermittently this green page that says:
"we are really sorry. Your STB encountered a software problem and needs to be restarted. Please send a log file created in /hdd/ to
Please help me. I just bought this vu+ duo about a week ago and Id like to keep it original, I do not wish to flash it with any other software but the original which I think is Enigma.
Is there a way to reset it to manufacturer settings in the condition that it is now in.

I mean I can do nothing, it just keeps restarting over and over again.

Please find attached, the crashlog file.
Thanks anyone, in advance.

27-02-2015, 08:17 PM
Hi, I have next to no knowledge of how this vu+ duo2 works.
But I managed to set up the WLAN connection, went about downloading and installing plugins.
But after I download and installed Web browser plugin, the system gave me the option to reboot and I clicked reboot.
Now the Vu starts over and over again, and it shows intermittently this green page that says:
"we are really sorry. Your STB encountered a software problem and needs to be restarted. Please send a log file created in /hdd/ to
Please help me. I just bought this vu+ duo about a week ago and Id like to keep it original, I do not wish to flash it with any other software but the original which I think is Enigma.
Is there a way to reset it to manufacturer settings in the condition that it is now in.

I mean I can do nothing, it just keeps restarting over and over again.

Please find attached, the crashlog file.
Thanks anyone, in advance.

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i think to clear the box you will need to re flash a image on it
you can flash the original vu image, but if you choose one
form one of the image teams you will find installing addons etc:
work better that using the original firmware

27-02-2015, 08:23 PM
Switch the box of at the mains and the restart sometimes that works

27-02-2015, 09:10 PM
Just reflash the original firmware - or ftp into the box and delete the plugin you installed which is making it crash - then reboot the box!

27-02-2015, 09:44 PM
scroll to the bottom of the green screen sometimes it will tell you what app you installed caused the crash.

but id recommend just installing the latest blackhole image for the box.

a choice below for you.


27-02-2015, 10:30 PM
Trouble is I tried to now flash a blackhole image on it. On the vu display, not on tv, it says
"update press power button" I press the power button, no reaction, the vu just keeps on restarting.
The remote control at this point is non-effective.
I can see the vu on my pc via network but I have no idea what to delete. I tried replacing backup files that I had saved on the pc.
Some of them get copied and others it says I need some kind of authorisation.
To flash I downloaded and extracted Blackhole, then copied the folder that says vu onto a usb stick, stuck into the vu with the power turned off at the back. Then turned power on.
That is when I get the message "Update, press power button", and in the mean time the vu is going about the business of restarting again.
Now I got dozens of crash log files on my pc when I look into the Vu's hdd.
Please help some more.

27-02-2015, 10:40 PM
any usb stick in the rear ? if so remove it and try again.

if you made a back up to internal hdd disconnect it .

27-02-2015, 11:40 PM
No usb stick in the rear, and no backup in internal hdd.

When I power up from the back after inserting the usb stick it says on the display panel "VU+ Duo2 CFE V2" then "press power button".
I press power button but I can tell there's no reaction, It continues to reboot. Sometimes it stops and shows briefly France 24 news channel where I had it before
it all went belly-up. But it stays frozen, no action from remote control. Then it reboots, then the green screen and so on.
I've tried several images on 6 different usb sticks, the result is the same. Is there no way to manually reset it?

28-02-2015, 12:03 AM
can you get the message at the bottom of the green screen.

28-02-2015, 12:33 AM

see if anything in this post helps you , return as a last resort try the other options first.

28-02-2015, 12:58 PM
All my Vu+ duo2 problems have been solved. I wanna thank everyone who did or did not contribute.

What y'all have here is quintessential altruism, the desire to help your fellow human without expectation.

This is what makes the world go round.

Thank you everybody.

28-02-2015, 05:07 PM
Just seen this post.

Your crash is caused by the Bonjour plugin.

Remove that and all should be well.


01-11-2015, 01:52 PM

i have similar issues but i think i deleted few files n plugins which i can not get into the box any advice how to flash the box with new image? because it doesn't work with USB

01-11-2015, 02:07 PM
Do you have a VU+ Duo 2?
If your receiver is booting up then of course it should be capable of loading a new image, via the USB.
Have you tried a different USB stick?
Your problem should be posted in its own thread, as it doesn't seem to relate to this one, but until you post more information, regarding your receiver, and problem, I doubt a moderator will knw where to move it to.

01-11-2015, 09:55 PM
yes it is VU+ Duo2 i have this issue64257

01-11-2015, 10:47 PM
You already have one thread open, regarding this issue, no need to post in another thread:

Try a different USB stick, and follow the guides, by Lee, from Goldwafers, if you want to re-flash your receiver:

01-11-2015, 11:00 PM
closing this post , you will get a answer in other post .

no point in dragging one up from feb this year, you can of course make a reference in youre new post to this one if it had been relevant .