View Full Version : Amiko A3 query

04-03-2015, 11:17 AM
Hi Everyone.
My wife is starting to complain about the amount of boxes and remotes I have.so I am possibly looking for a one box solution.Just need some advice on a satellite/Xbmc receiver.just wondered if anyone can shed some light on the Amiko A3 or any other similar type receiver.
Thanks in advance

04-03-2015, 04:15 PM
Hi kmc,

I know it is my first post here indeed, but take a look at this one:


They are sponsors of Kodi / XBMC Project, but also of OpenELEC.tv , so it can run both Android + OpenELEC, and it also have real DVB-API support so linux apps will run native :D

04-03-2015, 06:01 PM
I Had an Amiko in past and replace by Wetek... Are 2 different worlds..

07-03-2015, 12:54 AM
Thanks guys.I'll take a look at that

07-03-2015, 08:12 AM
I'm sorry but that's simply not true. The Wetek is a nice idea and OK as is but it's quite obvious to anyone that's used it that it's still work in progress, interesting yes, the finished article no.

The Amiko A3 has already had it's time to mature, so yes I could perhaps agree with the above in that they are world's apart in favour of the A3. It's got the metal single piece case in 3 colour choices, front display, fantastic looking on screen display (not like all other Android receivers including the Wetek), a giro remote that quite simply the Wetek should not be on the same thread as and perhaps most importantly to a satellite forum it runs OScam AND CrossEPG (the only Android receiver in the world to do this right now) and you are able to load on Enigma2 channel lists from USB in seconds...

Take a look at all your options by all means but don't let anybody tell you the Wetek is all that because it's not (yet) and no where near the Amiko A3 in most every respect.

I think it's fairly easy to work out where at least one of the above guys are really coming from given they have been posting (spamming) forums with much the same thing in comparison to other brands etc. over the past few days.

07-03-2015, 10:08 AM
Thanks for the heads up lava man.another one that has popped up is the qviart undro,same spec as the amiko and other than the chassis and remote are very similar.so that's another one in contention.one thing I do like the idea of is the IPTV cloud on the week but as you say still has a long way to go.time to do some more research I think

07-03-2015, 10:51 AM
The Qviart Undro is another but again it's actually a different kind of thing to the other two, with the Quviart Undro on-screen it looks very much like what you often see from a closed source receiver and easy to navigate round, it has the Prometheus firmware which is really easy to load by USB and opens up many DVB-S/S2 channels over various satellites (similar to a Spiderbox for example but with no expiry date), built in softcam support (underlying using OScam) with very easy on-screen setup, easy to scan channels and setup but no real option for UK EPG or loading channel lists for anything other than that made for this receiver. It's Android based and will run XBMC and Kodi along with a whole bunch of other Android apps, has Google Play access etc. The remote control is fine in operation and works as it should but it's not the giro remote you'd get with the Amiko A3 and no built in mic for using on Skype etc., it's just the basic mouse operation you find on many Android receivers, nothing wrong with that just not up to A3 standards. I would put this as a basic description as more for those that want the Spiderbox type use but with the added use of being Android based and all the extra things that can offer.

Please though do not get me wrong, I am not calling the Wetek, it's a very interesting new product and one I'm enjoying playing around with, the free IPTV they offer is nice for what it is and works fine but it's mainly German, Arabic, Italian and a few other FTA channels, very little for a UK market at present (I imagine there may well be more in future) and while it's easy to add your own URLs for your own streams that's not really something the others won't do either all be it in slightly different ways.

While on the face of it all three are similar in what they are advertised as/with I would say they are actually quite different in what they do, it's actually hard to compare in many respects but I would go with this as a basic description for each:

Amiko A3 - The most polished and 'finished' of the three which could sit in most living rooms with no real problem for all the family being able to operate it, kids, wife, techy types etc. and gives most everything an average UK user might want (7 day EPG on 28.2 East, easy channel list updates, OScam support, run XBMC/Kodi etc., hundreds of games much enhanced by the remote control, pair extra remotes etc.).

Wetek - Great concept and a lot of device for the money, different to the A3 in that this far more suited to the techy types that spend more time playing around with their receiver than actually watching TV though wanting TV is of course possible. Will dual boot Android or OpenElec / Linux. Remote control is basic but works well. I would say you are likely to start getting earache from other halves, kids etc. if you are intending to use this as the main TV providing device in the house, it is not going to give you the experience that the A3 or indeed Enigma2 type receivers will, but if you are buying it for the techy side in you then this one is probably the one for you.

Qviart Undro - Slightly different again. One of the big reasons many will go for this is the third party Prometheus firmware (free gift) while also having the Android option which also means XBMC and/or Kodi. It's very easy to setup and scan for channels and very similar to what many closed source receivers operate like but with the added Android benefits. Don't expect 7 day UK EPG just like most other closed source receivers. It's a more basic remote than the other two (it's got plenty more buttons on than the Wetek though) but unlike the other two basic mouse operation using the arrow keys to move around the screen with the mouse. It's perhaps the one to go for if you have a motorised system and have always liked the Spiderbox concept but want something with a little bit more by way of Android and all that offers.

Hope that helps some as a guide, the idea I'm trying to put across is they all have their own plus and minus points, what one is 'best' is totally down to the user and what they need from the receiver. The Amiko A3 is the best all rounder to sit in most any living room, the Wetek for the more techy type user and likes to play as much as watch TV and the Qviart Undro for the user that perhaps has a motorised dish and likes to have a good browse around channels with access to them but not overly bothered about EPGs but wouldn't mind having the chance to play around with Android and XBMC/Kodi etc.

07-03-2015, 03:04 PM
Wow Lavaman that is fantastic,Thank you so much for your help,The qviart might be the favourite at the moment,in all honesty not too bothered about the uk epg.I mainly would be using it for the foreign channels and iptv on xbmc,so this possibly could be the one.also as for games I could download a games pad to use with it
Thanks again for all your help

08-03-2015, 06:44 PM
I have gone for the qviart,managed to get a virtually new one for Just over £74.00 off a private seller which in my eyes for the price was a no brainer.
will let you know what I think when I get it all set up,
Just one thing Lavaman did you say you get gift channels on various satellites as I can only see channel listings for 19.2 and 13E
Thanks again

09-03-2015, 09:47 AM
The free 'gift' with the third party firmware covers a number of services over a number of satellites. 13 and 19 East are generally the ones that offer the most as they are the two main European hotspots but it's sure not limited to these two. Make sure you load the latest Prometheus firmware (I've just seen v1.08 for download today but not tried it yet) and once loaded scan it whatever satellites you want or load a pre-made channel list if you have one, then providing Prometheus is activated (which it usually is by default, if not it's just a simple on/off setting in the menu) then when you look at your channel list what services Prometheus will expect it can open will be highlighted in yellow.

09-03-2015, 10:10 PM
Thanks Lavaman you have been most helpful at the moment 1.05 is on it which I believe is the most stable