View Full Version : 9900HD losing lock on certain frequencies

09-03-2015, 06:20 PM
Here's an odd problem I don't recall seeing before in 30 odd years of various satellite setups. Just recently on certain frequencies/sats, with channels I already have successfully stored for several years (eg Astra 19E 10.876 V or Hotbird 13E 10.971 H), the signal strength and quality fluctuate wildly between 25 and 75 and consequently the channel cannot lock. Higher frequencies don't seem to show the same symptoms and I'm able to watch these channels OK. Suspecting lnb or cable problems, I connected another receiver and was able to tune the problem frequencies OK.

So, is it possible that a tuner component in the Spider is somehow partially dying or can someone offer a logical explanation? Thanks in advance to the Spider experts out there.

09-03-2015, 08:12 PM
Here's an odd problem I don't recall seeing before in 30 odd years of various satellite setups. Just recently on certain frequencies/sats, with channels I already have successfully stored for several years (eg Astra 19E 10.876 V or Hotbird 13E 10.971 H), the signal strength and quality fluctuate wildly between 25 and 75 and consequently the channel cannot lock. Higher frequencies don't seem to show the same symptoms and I'm able to watch these channels OK. Suspecting lnb or cable problems, I connected another receiver and was able to tune the problem frequencies OK.

So, is it possible that a tuner component in the Spider is somehow partially dying or can someone offer a logical explanation? Thanks in advance to the Spider experts out there.

I have the same issue with my set up, 9900hd and a 1m dish. thought it was originally something to do with either dish set up or the size of the dish at the old house (an 80cm). Moved house, got a bigger dish, perfectly set up and same problem on the same transponders/ channels. I'm hoping a box upgrade in the summer to a vu+ duo2 will help :D


09-03-2015, 08:20 PM
Can be dect phone interference, lnb skew.
Check all fc onns are good.

Thanks for the suggestions but, as I mentioned, if I disconnect the Spider and connect an old Humax instead, it gets the frequencies fine, so I don't think lnb skew or f connectors could be the problem. Could dect phone only cause problems with the Spider? Also, these channels were all "normal" until about 10 days ago....... very puzzling

09-03-2015, 08:35 PM
Just a suggeston, maybe it could be that they have changed Symbol Rate or FEC, it is worth a check on your Humax and compare with the Spiderbox.

09-03-2015, 08:54 PM
Check the PSU board for faulty/bulging electrolytic capacitors, if found and changing them yourself remember polarity!

From another site:-

"" . Some electrolytic capacitors have only the negative side marked, with symbols that look like minus signs, indicating the negative side of the capacitor. Some capacitors will have a white or a black stripe on the negative side. If you cannot find the minus sign but you are able to see a plus sign, you have identified the positive side.


09-03-2015, 09:07 PM
Just a suggeston, maybe it could be that they have changed Symbol Rate or FEC, it is worth a check on your Humax and compare with the Spiderbox.

The settings are correct, and when these "bad" channels are selected, I often do get a picture for a few seconds, but then the signal and quality drop and the bars change from blue&green to red. If I stay on the channel, the picture may return for a second or so and then it's gone again...... and so on

10-03-2015, 12:50 AM
Do you have a DECT telephone near the Spiderbox? An easy test would be just to unplug the phone, from the power socket. I had the same problem with my 9000HD and the German Sport 1, on 19.2E.

10-03-2015, 03:50 PM
How close is "near"? I *do* have a DECT phone, but it's about 4 metres away and has been there for years. Just unplugged it - and it didn't appear to make any difference unfortunately

10-03-2015, 07:57 PM
I put it down to the faulty box. previously tried everything, new cable, adjust dish, skew etc, turned all local wireless and electrical devices off, all but take apart the spiderbox and investigate internal components.

10-03-2015, 08:09 PM
Hi gman, did you suddenly lose this frequency or did it never work?

12-03-2015, 07:49 PM
not sure to be honest, I just noticed it one day a year or so ago, only seems to be on a few transponders. probably notice more on 13e, 28e and 19e, probably as these are the strongest sats. at first I thought it was my setup ie something other than my 9900. I have since moved with a whole new set up, new dish, mount, cable, lnb etc and yet the same problem with the same 9900