View Full Version : help n input How to update Vu+ Zero ?

12-03-2015, 02:16 PM
hi all just picked up one of these boxes my 1st vu+ box. but I can't re flash it. has any one had this problem? I have downloaded image un zipped it and added to a folder on your USB pen drive named vuplus In the vuplus folder is another folder named zero.plugged in at the back switched it on.not getting blinking light left it for 30 mins !!! all I have on screen is 'your smart Linux tv player' and in bottom right of screen say loading.Many thanks for any input nd help fella's

12-03-2015, 03:40 PM
Not sure what the problem could be other than either a corrupt archive or USB format. I have also read elsewhere that some USB sticks work better than others but never personally had such an issue and I use the cheapest around.

Some points to consider:
Usb stick must be formatted to fat32
The images zip file contents must be extracted and the 'vuplus' folder transferred to the root of the Usb stick.
Plug the Usb stick into 1 of the rear Usb ports and then power the box on.

The Zero will do its thing. Once complete the LED will flash on and off. Simply power off, remove Usb stick and power on again.

The whole process takes around 1 minute to complete.

12-03-2015, 04:08 PM
cheers fella have tried all above formatted the works fella may be a duff box ?:beatdeadhorse5: will keep looking thanks again Nikkas ur a top fella:)

12-03-2015, 06:20 PM
ALL sorted fella's 1st time ever my old n trusted Kingston usb didn't work but no name:cup-006: brand did !!! they say you live & learn ha ha

12-03-2015, 07:03 PM
Similar problem usually use 7 zip with no problems all the time but it just wouldn't have it. Downloaded a free 90 day trial of Unzip Wizard and it's sorted so don't throw yer stick out yet.

12-03-2015, 09:28 PM
hi Dixi fella I always use WinRAR.have had it on pc for year's its free dose the job give it a try fella. many thanks for any tips and tricks. bit of a noob:rolleyes: on vu plus

13-03-2015, 11:27 AM
Me too.
Can anyone who has done this on the zero confirm where the file goes when installing C**m Does it go in the tmp file or the var ???

Should there be a cfg file too and which folder does this go in.The same one or a different one ???

and finally do Catseye's go into any particular file ???

13-03-2015, 12:29 PM
Depends which image you're using, if using Black Hole it's all there, in Lee's guides. The var foleder, etc sub folder, for Ccam, then load it as explained, in the guides.

13-03-2015, 12:37 PM
that's what I am stuck on too.will keep looking tho many thanks for input n help fella's

13-03-2015, 12:47 PM
that's what I am stuck on too.will keep looking tho many thanks for input n help fella's
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if you use blackhole images take a look in this thread and
look at post 4 for what you need with a tut in the folder


13-03-2015, 01:03 PM
Cheers clipper you are a star. Nice clear instructions.