View Full Version : A few questions from a VU+ Duo2 newbie

16-03-2015, 01:00 PM
I have just bought a VU+ Duo2 and have installed the latest BH and the CCcam package as suggested in the tutorial, but I have a few questions I'd appreciate some help with.

1. Is the tuner less sensitive than say the one in the Spiderbox? It's a clear day today here in Switzerland, yet some 28E signals seem difficult to lock (eg BBC1 Eng HD). Locking fine on other receivers I have here.
2. Is there something specific I need to do before installing a hard-disk? When I connected a 1Tb 3.5" Samsung that had previously been used as a NAS drive, the receiver briefly showed the welcome screen, but then nothing. Or was the system just trying to re-initialise or format the HDD? When I disconnect the HDD, the receiver boots up fine.
3. I have a legit TNTSAT card, and I'd understood that with Doscam (i have installed V0.22-1.20) , this would be read in one of the Xcrypt slots. Indeed it was even suggested that this emu would clear TNTSAT channels directly without a card. Not working for me.
4. Speaking of CAMs, I think I've understood how to assign a specific cam to a specific channel, but is it only possible to see this relationship by pressing the blue button when on a channel? I thought the Dreambox images used to show the active cam on the channel's display.

Thanks in advance for help on any of the above!

16-03-2015, 01:44 PM
Assuming all Vu+ boxes have the same tuner then the answer to your 1st question is yes Spiderbox has a more sensitive tuner. I have a Spiderbox and a Vu Solo SE and the Spider picks up more channels than my Vu. I'll leave your other question to the experts by the way have you tried a channel list??

16-03-2015, 02:31 PM
Thanks for your reply. Wow - that is very disappointing. I had naively assumed that most modern receivers' tuners would have better signal sensitivity than older ones rather than worse. Admittedly the BBC1 signal here in Switzerland is a bit weaker than others, but ........

16-03-2015, 02:40 PM
I would think the HDD was formatted in the NAS and so needs mounting and formatting by the VU now

it may need clearing so its completely empty (no partitions and no formatting) , then installing in the vu and then mount and initialise it so its ready to be used, same with any usb stickts if using the rear usb sockets

if the skin is set to allow the info banner for oscam or cccam then it will show those details , so I assume doscam is the same although I have never tried it , so check the settings in the menu for the extra info to be shown in the banner

pressing OK on the remote usually brings up 2 banners, one with now and next etc and the other with any cccam or similar information

dont assume it all works on boot or installation, all the cams need setting up after installation , including setting up config files etc , especially for card readers

16-03-2015, 03:45 PM
Thanks echelon - I should have guessed that, but I wasn't sure if the Duo would ask to format the disk. Anyway, I formatted it from a PC and it now recognised and working in the Duo.

Thanks for the tip about 2 times OK. Another one I might have guessed from using the Spider. Obviously I'm getting too old for this game.

I take your point about things having to be setup correctly to be able to work, but I haven't yet found any info re. setting up the card readers. Am I right in thinking that, if I'm able to discover how to do it, I can simply use my legit TNTSAT card in either of the card reader slots? Then I could happily ditch this hideous-looking old Sagem box.

Thanks in advance for any pointers. Many years ago, I was using a Dream 7020, so back in the recesses of my brain, I have some experience of Linux receivers - but it was a long time ago!

16-03-2015, 06:33 PM
the emus have to be setup to use the card readers, so oscam or cccam especially so

no idea about doscam, no idea about your card either, so no experience there , sorry

17-03-2015, 12:59 AM
Doscam is another EMU that was formulated especially for softcam work as in it would open say more than what Cccam or MGcamd and even Oscam_ymod, I am afraid that Doscam with a softcam key file will now only open around 4-5 channels on TNTsat as they lost emulation with keys some time last month and are still awaiting another workaround.

You can install Oscam and this will help read your TNTsat card

17-03-2015, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the reply. Ok, I will try to download and install Oscam on the VU+. Then, if I understand correctly, I'll just need to modify the oscam.server file, specifying label,protocol,device,caid so that oscam can read my TNTsat card? Or is there more to it than that? I've seen some examples where aeskeys are also specified, but surely with a legit card, this isn't necessary? I'm finding all of this much tougher going than with my old DM 7020!