View Full Version : A few more questions from another Vu+ Duo2 newbie

17-03-2015, 05:24 PM
Hi Guys

Just getting grips with my Vu+ Duo2 on the latest VIX image (4 tuners, A+B on fixed 28.2 E, C on motorised using usals and D as cable coming from motorised) and have a few queries. Its a lot more complicated than the plug and play Spiderbox 9000 I’m used to, so I’d be grateful if you could give any advice.

Firstly, I downloaded Catseyes tv guide (75E to 61W), installed it using VuCC and rebooted. When I go to EPG, theres nothing in there. I’ve set up CrossEPG to update at 3 in the morning, will that populate the EPG from Catseyes or have I got that completely wrong?!!

Secondly, with the spiderbox I was able to get 28.2E to 1W no probem, but for 30W I had to manually change the satellite position in the set up to 31W to get a signal, is it possible to edit the motor settings in the same way within the Vu? If so, could you give me a few pointers.

Lastly.....for now! I tried downloading the oscam plugin within Vix but it wont install. I’ve found an IPK file (Oscam 1.20 r9059), can I just download it to the Vu via the IPK installer in VuCC then activate it in the softcam setting?

Appreciate your time. Thanks.

17-03-2015, 05:37 PM
1) wrong, catseyes list is a channel list only, nothing to do with epg data and not a tv guide either, check you have setup crossepg for actual epg data, there are sticky threads about this in the various VU help forums here

2) you can alter the usals settings in any box to account for your problems, but I think you are asking if you can change the 30w setting only to 31.0w instead , I suppose its possible but never tried it , or you could use diseqc v1.2 and set each one manually yourself

3) any ipk file that is compatible with your image can be used by ftp to the var/tmp folder and then use the ipk installer in the menu, just make sure you use a compatible one, so not a BH one in openvix, or use a universal one if one exists , ideally use one from their own installer server that the image connects with - for total compatibility

dont forget that once oscam is installed it needs all the files setting up manually, by you, so a lot to learn

17-03-2015, 07:17 PM
Installing Oscam with a ViX image should be no problem. What errors did you see.

You should go to Plugins - press green to bring up a long list of possible plugins - then install oscam from the softcam menu. Should be automatic.

But as echelon says above, an lot of learning to do with oscam.

17-03-2015, 09:51 PM
Hi Guys.

Thanks for the replies. Struggling with even the basics on this box! Also, my apologies, the oscam error I was seeing was because I tried to reinstall it after getting a message saying that "no config files found". Seems I've a lot more reading to do!

Is there an easier softcam to install? Just trying to get my c lines up and running.


17-03-2015, 11:20 PM
Just a quick update. Managed to get my c lines up and running with CCcam.

Getting there, slowly but surely. I'll play around with oscam, the tv guide and the usals settings and see how I get on.

Thanks. Appreciate your replies.

17-03-2015, 11:53 PM
if using cccam, make sure its v2.30 and not an earlier one