View Full Version : Another strange Duo2 problem

25-03-2015, 05:50 PM
Back again with another odd problem. Not sure if this should be posted in Duo2, Blackhole or CCcam section either. I setup the Duo2 with the latest BH image and a few cams. Am using CCcam 2.30 which seems the simplest to configure. Have scanned several different providers and am clearing some pictures OK (with some freezing, but I'll live with that for now).

Now the problem - when I go from say Swiss channels (which I clear with my own card) to say D+, all is fine and pictures clear. If I look at CCcam server (http:localip:16000) I see info on servers, providers etc.

However, if I then select certain scanned Can***** channels (eg TF1,TF1 HD, A2, A2 HD) it appears to crash CCcam. Now when I look at CCcam server, I get webpage unavailable.

If I then restart CCcam without selecting a different channel, CCcam server briefly shows a normal display again, then webpage unavailable. If I change channels and restart CCcam, CCCam server functions as normal.

What is particularly strange is that with some Can***** channels (eg C+ sport) it works fine. In the CCcam forum, a member was having a similar problem, but on a DB and he reloaded Openpli and TSpanel, which he said seemed to fix the problem. I'm not even sure these components are on my Duo2 and I really don't feel confident to target individual things like this, so I figured I would just Factory Reset the box and start afresh, reinstalling BH and Emus.

However, unless there is another option that I haven't found, it seems that Factory Reset simply erases bouquets and sat data, but leaves the image and emus intact. Is there a way to return the Duo2 to it's out-of-the-package state?

Sorry for the long post, but I'd really like to understand and fix this problem.

25-03-2015, 06:36 PM
Simply load the latest image, from the VU+ official website, or try a different image, or different version of Black Hole.

You can load TS Panel, and you could try Oscam, instead of CCcam, but this takes slightly more time, and a little work.

You can also allocate a cam, to open certain channels.

26-03-2015, 02:31 PM
I had the same issues with those cаnal+ channels using cccаm.

Now using OScаm - no more problems.

26-03-2015, 03:20 PM
I find the crashing on this provider only occurs when using CCc@m 2.3.0. I personally use CCc@m 2.2.1 for these but OScam works fine also as already mentioned.