View Full Version : Icecrypt1600 new guy

01-04-2015, 01:40 PM
Hi Folks many thanks to all those who have offered me advice and help its very much appreciated its very confusing know correct etiquette, the right place to post and how to post..
well my old box went bang so I bought and Icecrypt1600chd which the store advised was a good reliable cheep sort of box for motorised dish in Uk... ok that's that bit, then I needed something called a patch, omg! ok I was kindly pointed to the firmware section, but the patch in there is dated 2013 is that still current?... I hope im in the right place to ask this as I get lost in all the different rooms on here

01-04-2015, 01:45 PM
I assume so but only coldasice could answer that question, unless there are newer ones on the icecrypt website ?

it appears that nobody else responded to your previous thread so unless somebody knows otherwise I would say that 2013 or 2014 patch may be the latest patch and in any case use it until told different

I actually tidied up that firmware section the other day , made sure that your model was listed and tried to get it into some sort of order

01-04-2015, 01:57 PM
ok thank you echelon, sorry to be a pain but ill soon get the hang of it im sure

01-04-2015, 02:13 PM
no problem, as you have an icecrypt then all help and files etc are in this icecrypt section and sub-sections from this section

those sub-sections (including firmware (patches) ) are at the top of this icecrypt discussion forum

the sticky threads at the top of this forum (below the sub-sections) may also help (or may not)

the last firmware posted in that thread was actually august 2014 in post #8 and was Icecrypt S1600C patched firmware version 1.6.41 so I dont think you read post #8

unfortunately, not many people will have your box so only those who have it, or have had it , can help you (I am not one of them)

by all means ask about your box, but if you get no replies its due to it being in a small minority with few users, as opposed to the tm5402 or spider6000 or similar that has many more users and so a bigger pool of knowledge

01-04-2015, 02:40 PM
If youve installed your box then go to menu> FTP upgrade and connect you will see the lastest release. I have just updated mine to 1.63 (28.2E and 27West). It contains the patched firmware