View Full Version : Best yet tm nano 3t

06-04-2015, 07:00 PM
bought this tm nano 3t after all the help I got from everyone sitting up I want to say well worth the extra cost for all the extra features you get its fantastic. People don't no what they missing if you thinking of changing your box think hard to buy this one guys :respect-061::respect-061:

06-04-2015, 07:17 PM
All well and good but what satellites and TPs are you able to receive.

How good does it perform on fringe reception satellites and tight beam/footprint TPs from your location?

Your post #1 fails to mention these attributes :D

08-04-2015, 09:34 AM
bought this tm nano 3t after all the help I got from everyone sitting up I want to say well worth the extra cost for all the extra features you get its fantastic. People don't no what they missing if you thinking of changing your box think hard to buy this one guys :respect

'Which' extra features do you mean den?

08-04-2015, 12:30 PM
'Which' extra features do you mean den?

That should make interesting reading, if he ever gets around to giving us all of the details on what we have been missing, and further more he thinks so highly of this receiver that he keeps asking when the " New Spiderbox 6000 " will be available.

08-04-2015, 02:15 PM
The tm 3t is cable/sat/terrerstrial, spiderbox will hardly compare.
Loads of plugins etc like any e2 stb available.
He also has TM5402 which he likes.
All these stb's do different things for different people, all down to requirements.

The point I was making is if he has the TM 3T and the TM 5402, why then did he start the following thread:


and BTW I was not suggesting that the Spiderbox was in any way comparable.