View Full Version : FTA Channels only!

09-04-2015, 11:33 PM
Hi, hope someone can help me... I installed vti, then tried vix. Im only getting the fta channels on both. My old box picks up all channels when plugged in so nothing wrong with the satelite or cable or anything like that... ive transfered the CCcam.cfg file to the etc folder and have re scanned the channels about 10 times... any ideas?? Im currently on the vix image and planning on staying with it. Thanks in advance!

09-04-2015, 11:40 PM
have you installed the full cccam emulator and selected it as the default emu ?

if not do the full install, then ftp the cfg file over and then restart the emu or restart enigma2 (or restart the box)

what was the old box ?

have you made sure the c line is in the correct format in the old config file ?