View Full Version : Anyone else lost espn caribbean & syndication?

16-04-2015, 02:10 PM
Just redid a whole new channel list etc and today i have none of the above channels..im on the right sat cos other channels are tuned in..

Anyone else lost these?? can someone please confirm?

Many thanks

16-04-2015, 02:25 PM
Hi dOOds, had a very low signal from these two channels for some weeks. Thought it was my fine tune out of sync, but maybe not after reading your post.

Best wishes from,


16-04-2015, 02:54 PM
Signal reduced by Broadcaster again
[ obvious delibrate move done to ensure nobody from UK Regions view these Feeds ]

..Still There but Signal weak Big Dish Required ..only 8db - 59% on my 2M Prime Focus Dish on 15W Espn :eek:

16-04-2015, 04:21 PM
i think my motor may be off on the west side..fox on 7W also just coming in but is usually ok..ill get up on roof tomorrow and have a play..

Cheers for replies so far peeps.


16-04-2015, 04:37 PM
Very weak here on the West Coast of Ireland also. Down to 41% (7.3) on my Channelmaster 1.2. Normally a lot higher (and there's no rain today)

16-04-2015, 05:11 PM
Inverto black ultra & 90cm Dish
SNR 50% AGC: 90% here in North East England
Picture is stable
Readings are from my Vu +

17-04-2015, 12:18 AM
By chance i tested this on a new receiver at a mates house who has a TD88 with BU LNB in NW UK and both channels coming in fine at around 15:30'ish

17-04-2015, 10:59 AM
Its going ok here with my 1.25mtr with an Inverto black ultra and spider in w.london, the weathers fine and I get 75% signal and 60% quality, the picture drops out at below 50%, I'll see what its like in bad weather.

17-04-2015, 12:17 PM
West Wales coast 1.3m prime focus dish and Technomate 1500CI+.
Grey with spots of rain and ESPN breaking up ----- until I looked out the window a found that my better half had parked the garden rubbish wheelie bin between the dish, at ground level, and 15W !!
Moved bin and pictures restored --- only about 42% quality but stable.

17-04-2015, 01:36 PM
TM1500 thats going back a bit, still got one in the cupboard.
Very true !!
Having paid good money for various "future proof" boxes over the years I said enough is enough !!
Be great to have a crystal ball and see what's next in the pipeline .....

17-04-2015, 03:15 PM
A mate of mine has watched diema 39e and espn carib all season on a TM1500 with a 80cm, if the power on espn has been lowered maybe he's only getting fair weather reception now ?

17-04-2015, 03:42 PM
All down to location.

yep. looks like it. cant get a signal in lincoln at mo. thought the wind had moved my dish till i saw these posts. not that i hardly used espn on 15 west. it was nice as a back up.

17-04-2015, 07:35 PM
both channels working fine here........north of ireland ,,,picture is clear and signal is fine.

17-04-2015, 07:38 PM
Still solid signal in NW England.
S70% & Q66% on a Spiderbox 9000HD 1m GIBERTINI Dish/Dark Motor, Titanium3 0.1db Twin LNB.
BBC Persian SD is S74% & Q90% as a reference.


17-04-2015, 08:50 PM
Yes looked at it today 6pm all signals were increased to near normal again .
BUT..This of course will change again tommorrow like it did for past few weekends now especially when football is on LIVE so expect signals to be reduced again tommorrow : ) !

31-05-2015, 07:25 PM
Went to watch the MotoGP today on 15W and "no signal".
Earlier during the tennis it was perfect so I just left it on ESPN 902 syndication to see what would happen ..
With 11 laps to go the picture slowly appeared and remained there but partially disappeared around 5 laps to go then came back perfect and has been perfect since.
We had clear skies so I think this bird is on the wobble ........

31-05-2015, 10:02 PM
ESPN x 2 at 15W is renowned for 'coming and going' - well it is for ME Oscar mate!

31-05-2015, 10:54 PM
First time I've used it for MotoGP as normally use Eurosport Germany --- thanks for the info.

02-06-2015, 03:53 PM
For your information.
Today tried to squeeze some more quality signal from 15 W.
I normally have my LNB skewed a few degrees to the right as looking at the dish from the front as this is the best across the arc.
Not so on 15 W ---- I need it skewed a few degrees to the left for a big increase in quality on ESPN.

OK as my dish is at ground level.

06-07-2015, 12:29 PM
first time ive looked today for a while and both espn are back at around 50%. put in last set of biss keys and working

06-07-2015, 09:28 PM
Was 'no signal' for me at 930am today, then by 10 am it was back at 70%!
Seems to be part of the course - exactly as I commented a few posts ago!