View Full Version : Vu Zero & External HDD

28-04-2015, 07:20 PM
My lad has just bought a Toshisba external HDD that connects to box via usb cable

HDD works fine for downloading cross epg data etc with Vu zero

But cant get it to record any progs

When it comes to playback program details appear on movie list but nothing has recorded

Ive connected to Vu duo & its working fine (recorded & playback fine)

So this confirms HDD is ok

Anyone else had similar experience & can advise how to overcome this


28-04-2015, 07:35 PM
what image are you using ?
if its PLi then go to addons and download pau ;)

28-04-2015, 07:40 PM
Sounds a srange one, but you say they appear in the list have a look via ftp and see the size of the files. Did the recorded progs appear when you put the hdd on the duo? Also check the recording path, could be trying to record to flash.
Worth checking but probably requires an image reflash.

28-04-2015, 07:42 PM
what image are you using ?
if its PLi then go to addons and download pau ;)

Yea its pli m8

28-04-2015, 08:31 PM
You've gone quiet ?
the box is a zapper not a pvr
so by default it does not record
just go to plugins and download pau
job done.

28-04-2015, 08:56 PM
what image are you using ?
if its PLi then go to addons and download pau ;)

Working perfect now -cheers saint