View Full Version : tried everything to clear biss espn 15w tonight

11-05-2015, 07:13 PM
deleted transponders, changed transponder numbers from 12515 to 12511 changed biss keys to latest. no joy. Any ideas.= would be of great help spiderbox hd9000. This is getting harder and harder. Hate streaming though love the old dish.

edit can't spell biss

11-05-2015, 07:48 PM
Have you checked your BISS keys, in the Spiderbox menu, to see if you have any old headings, for 12511?
Have you done the basics? The idea of doing two scans is just to separate the keys, so that you don't have 2 different keys under 12515.
Thus you delete all your old ESPN channels, scan in 12511, which should bring up both ESPN's, then delete one of them, e.g ESPN 2, you then scan in 12518, and delete ESPN, so that you now have ESPN on 12511 and ESPN 2 on 12518.
This now gives you two different frequencies to enter the BISS keys, 12511 for ESPN and 12518 for ESPN 2, the only reason you could be experiencing problems is if you already have a 12511 or 12518, in the BISS keys.
I haven't used my Spiderbox 9000HD for some time, since I bought a VU+ Duo 2, from Goldwafers, but just checked the BISS keys and I had 99 pages to scroll through, so check carefully or delete some of the now dead keys.

11-05-2015, 08:56 PM
Mickha, thank you for all your help. tried deleting channels and followed your instructions, but could not get it to work. | must be being stupid. Thank you again though. I think I am getting to old to do this. I definitely had BISS before. I miss Linux on conax 1 deg west channels when I first started. :reddevil:

11-05-2015, 09:09 PM
Do you have any old Cams?
You might be better off trying a key file for an old Dragon Cam, or other.
Are you sure you have the latest keys?

11-05-2015, 10:54 PM
Delete all the biss keys and start again, only tune in 901 and delete 902 so you are dealing with just one channel to start with, if you have one biss key that is within 4mhz of 901 it will probably scupper it.

Also check what frequency it actually tunes in at, my old 9000 used to be a bit prone to frequency drift in the tuner after a few years of constant use, you have to take this into account when you tune 902 in, remember you'll have 901 and 902 on both the frequencies you tune in and you have to delete one from each frequency.

11-05-2015, 11:49 PM
The signal level on ESPNs has dropped tonight and I'm not clearing with keys that worked yesterday.

BISS key change ???

12-05-2015, 02:17 PM
Signal 79% TD110 dish TM5402 Inverto black ultra lnb.
Biss keys not changed.

I've changed absolutely nothing but ESPN Carib is back again - weird.