View Full Version : Novice

15-05-2015, 06:07 PM
I've recently migrated from a deceased Spider 9000 to a VU+ Solo 2 and it has been a steep learning climb but I'm slowly getting there. I managed to successfully load BH2.1.5 and 2.3.0 and 2.2.1 .tgz files. I've also managed to confuse the beast a few times resulting in lock-ups and a dish moving animation flashing endlessly - is this common? I have also just tried to ftp a 2.1.4.tgz file and after being told the addon was installed I cannot find it on the blue button to activate. The other 2 are still working fine. Is there a limit on how many .tgz files one can have installed at any one time? Thanks in anticipitation.

15-05-2015, 07:02 PM
only use cccamd 230 for blackhole

15-05-2015, 07:22 PM
The problems with the earlier versions, of CCcam, and the later versions, of Black Hole, is that you can't record, and view other channels, at the same time, which is why it's wise to stick with CCcam 230.
You can load as many as you want, I have had 4 different CCcams, and Oscam, running at the same time, you can also load .ipk files, as well as the .tgz files.
Echelon put together 4 popular CCcams, in one download, I'll try to find it:

Look for BH Cams zip.

When in the cams menu just press the left/right arrow keys, on your remote, and you should scroll up/down and locate the various cams, press OK to select one.

15-05-2015, 09:07 PM
as above, you only need one cccam and that is 2.30 , putting in others may overwrite the ones in there

for example, putting in 2.21 and then 2.30 can result in 2.30 overwriting 2.21
there is no need for multiple cccams, just use 2.30 only

the best one to use is oscam for BH (as you are using bh215)

mgcamd can also be configured to work as well

so try

cccam 2.30
oscam (latest)

then try to get each one working after selecting them under the blue button (one at a time)

16-05-2015, 02:44 PM
Sorry for the delay and thank you all for your prompt and helpful tips.

I am trying to find the best Cccam files for me and then to switch between them as required. 2.3 does not work with CSat, ABsat, etc but 2.2.1 does be it imperfectly. I ftp'd 2 different 2.1.4 files one from Satpimps and one from another site. Both were successfully installed by the BH Addons Manager but after pressing the blue button to activate, I couldn't find either (< >).

I will consider using oscam amd mgcamd but some more learning is first required!

16-05-2015, 04:29 PM
only use the cccam files listed for the later BH images, linked in the DUMMIES guide at the top of this forum

they are specifically for BH

you could also consider using oscam for c lines and cccam for the other stuff you asked about, or maybe oscam for all

ftp,ing cccam wont work as you need the script file in the correct folder in order to be seen in the blue menu

no script = nothing seen under emus

just ftping the bin file over doesnt make it magically appear for selection, that is the job of the script file or files

16-05-2015, 10:13 PM
Thanks echelon, I will follow your advice.

As I currently have both 2.3 and 2.2.1 installed and working, I think I am following the right procedure i.e .tgz to temp and .cfg to etc. I am not ftping any bin files.

16-05-2015, 10:40 PM
You don't need to FTP the .cfg file, once the CCcam is activated, by pressing the green, followed by orange, shortcut buttons, and loading the CCcam, the .cfg file will be in the var folder, etc sub folder, you just right click on it and select the view/edit option. Delete everything currently in it and enter your lines.
As you want to use an early version of CCcam it might be best to use an early version of Black hole, one where you could record, and view, channels using CCcam 214