View Full Version : Help installing Kodi 14.2 on vu+ duo2

21-05-2015, 06:51 PM
Hi, There is no 'add-on' option for PVR client on XBMC gotham and so i want to update to Kodi and then install one. The instructions on the Kodi website for Linux based systems means i have to use code via Telnet. This is new to me, so possibly the reason why i can't get it to work! When i enter the command "sudo apt-get... " i get an error message, i.e.

vuduo2 login: root
root@vuduo2:~# sudo apt-get upgrade
-sh: sudo: not found

I'm sure this is down to my complete lack of coding knowledge, and although i have spent hours (seems like days!) researching I just can't do it! Can someone please help me?? maybe there is an easy download ipk/tgz file i'm missing??

Any step by step guides would be amazing!!
p.s. No idea if this makes a difference but i'm using the latest BH 2.1.6

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21-05-2015, 06:54 PM
welcome to the forum

this is introductions only , so I will close this and leave your other thread open