View Full Version : Open Black Hole 0.1

25-05-2015, 03:35 PM
The Black Hole team have just released a new type of image, Open Black Hole:

Open Black Hole 0.1

Main Features:

Full Hd skin (1920x1080)
Open GLes animations (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)
Xbmc (Duo2, Solo2, SoloSE)

Black Hole:

Blue panel
Green Panel
Extra Settings
Addons panel
Compatible with Pli plugins and Skins

What is Open Black Hole ?

It is an exciting new project from the same team that produce the Black Hole images.

This new project is based on the PLi git and coding infrastructure, which means it is not only Open Source, but it is also compatible with all PLi plugins, feeds and skins and it also features full online update support (for those users that do not like having to do a full reflash everytime there is an image update). We have just given it the Black Hole touch.

This means it has the Green Panel and Blue Panels as found in the standard Black Hole images, we have also added the Black Hole addons panel and included Full HD skin support, OpenGLes Animations and of course included Xbmc .

As with the standard Black Hole images, we continue to support Genuine Vu+ Boxes only and therefore our images are optimised for Vu+ boxes and will only work on these models (any Open Black Hole, or Black Hole images you see on the internet for other box models or clone models are not official images and we offer no support for those boxes or images).

Do I have to upgrade to this new Open Black Hole image ?

No you don't have to upgrade to the new Open Black Hole image, this image is completely separate from the original Black Hole image, this is simply a new image so we can offer our users more choice, if you are happy with your current image, then you can continue to use that image, if you want to try the new Open Black Hole image then you can do so.

What about the Black Hole and Black Hole Prism Images ?

For those of you worried about the standard Black Hole and Prismcube image, please don’t worry, we remain committed to the standard Black Hole and Black Hole Prism images and image updates will continue as normal, this new Open Black Hole image is an additional project and we are fully committed to all images.

26-06-2015, 10:45 AM
Can you still install ccam on this using vucc?

26-06-2015, 12:32 PM
Can you still install ccam on this using vucc?

just FTP the cccam 2.30 for BH ipk file to var/tmp and install using the menu (ipk installer) as normal

then use VuCC or any ftp program to sort out the cccam.cfg file (as usual)

27-06-2015, 01:49 AM
I had to install this today to get my VU+2 working again (it died in the night after refusing all attempts to get the EPG working, which died the day before...)
I had to get my dear son-in-law (same system as us) to put cccam on it for me.
The user interfaces of this Open 0.1 is different from my old Black Hole so it's taking me a while to find out where things are
1) the "Last Scanned" list when you've done a manual scan. 2) when viewing "All" and going down the channel list, it tells you (at the bottom of the r.h. panel) which satellite that particular channel is on, so when you want to add a channel, to a particular bouquet, you can see that you are adding the one from the right satellite.

1) It does not seem to like Dreambox Edit. I spent an hour dragging and dropping stuff over to my "Freesat" folder and deleting **** stuff (honestly!:blush5:) only to find that they still were/weren't there, so I had to move them and delete t'others manually from the "All" and Favourites bouquets.
2) It appears to be missing a function that I had on my old Black Hole: A "search EPG" function in the channel list, so you could type in the name (or part) of a program you are looking for, e.g. "Marple" or "MotoGP" and it gave you a list of channels and times. The new 0.1 does not seem to offer that option. (does it?)
3) You only get one skin with 0.1, so I also need to see whether I can add something more to my liking.
4) Running down menus is a bit slower than my old Black Hole then when it catches up, you see that the cursor has gone too far.
5) When I use the Home button on my Sony TV (e.g. to access our Plex Server), one of the 0.1 menus flashes on the screen, so it must be a HDMI thing, but when I disable it in 0.1 my Sony HOME menu doesn't work at all..
If you have a motorized dish with 35V motor, remember to set your satellites and positioner positions again.

27-06-2015, 07:16 AM
I use OpenBlackHole with Vu+Duo2 2 weeks now and everything works fine. with Installed latest HDGlass16 skin on it. This is slower then OpenPLi, what i use before and i not find speedup menu what was in BlackHole. but this is not big problem.:respect-050:

27-06-2015, 08:50 AM

1) It does not seem to like Dreambox Edit. I spent an hour dragging and dropping stuff over to my "Freesat" folder and deleting **** stuff (honestly!:blush5:) only to find that they still were/weren't there, so I had to move them and delete t'others manually from the "All" and Favourites bouquets.

use DREAMSET 2.44 , set to enigma2 v4 (http) (catseye recommends this himself in recent posts on here or elsewhere) to install the latest catseye channel lists

use menu-plugins to find and use a different skin like the army ones if using coolmans epg guide in order to get it to fill your screen (the initial 2 skins it installs dont allow for this)

also bear in mind that you can install other images to usb stick formatted in ext4 (using a rear slot) by sending the zipped up image to the open-multiboot-upload folder and then installing it using the onscreen menus

so you can use this openBH as the base image in the flash, and then install BH 2161 into its open-multiboot folder , plus openvix and openpli 4 and various other images too (use a 16 gig or 32 gig usb stick in the rear slot, partitioned and formatted to ext 4 as I said - for meoboot use)

try using dreamset 2.39 using enigma2 v4 as the setting into all of these images as it should work in any (preferably dreamset instead of VuCC or dremboxedit)

09-07-2015, 10:57 AM
I notice that BH2.17 is out but they state it cannot be installed into openBH 0.1

they say it can only be installed into the flash , not multiboot

seems strange when you think they issued both images and 215 and 2161 both work in multiboot !

unless you are expected to use this in the flash and then use multiboot as well (from within the image ?) ?


and to answer my question, yes they expect this 2.17 one in the flash and then you use multiboot from the plugin menu

and xbmc is still 13.2 gotham in BH 217 too

09-07-2015, 06:23 PM
2) It appears to be missing a function that I had on my old Black Hole: A "search EPG" function in the channel list, so you could type in the name (or part) of a program you are looking for, e.g. "Marple" or "MotoGP" and it gave you a list of channels and times. The new 0.1 does not seem to offer that option. (does it?)

have you looked at Plugins -> Download Plugins -> Extensions ?
Epgsearch is there for download with PLi so may well be there for OBH
