View Full Version : followed the help file but nothing clearing

02-06-2015, 07:33 PM

I had a spiderbox 9000hd and used to find putting key files in really easy. Had an n line and all was well for ages.

Just got this vu+ zero, put black hole 2.1.5 on it, ts panel, ts media kodi etc and installed doscam v0.21-1.20

When I go to ts panel to try and install softcams, it downloads a list, but none will install.

I get a *opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package.

I can't even work out where to put keys on this box, so a bit flummoxed.

Any help would be really appreciated, as at the moment I think I have bought a pup.

Thanks again.

Steve H in Kent

02-06-2015, 07:47 PM
2.1.6 and open black hole the latest
why install 2.1.5

is the box original
have you checked memory usage

02-06-2015, 07:58 PM
as mentioned in the duo forum, I went back to 215 from 2161 due to some problems, so either should work

as for your trouble, never used doscam so no idea about it or why you would use it

I suspect the problems you are getting is using "foreign" softcams from TS panel etc, something I would avoid like the plague !

the help file and tutorials make no mention that I know of, about using TSpanel for this

if you read the tutorials on these forums (I hope you did) , you are recommended to use BH cams for BH images, tried and tested ones like we have on here , so please dont ask about files from somewhere else !! thanks

now if you check the tutorials on here, there are links to BH emus like cccam 2.30 for BH

download it and ftp the ipk file to var/tmp (after unpacking it in 7zip)

then press green and then yellow and get the addons download manager up, go to the ipk installer (5th down) and install the cccam 2.30 ipk you see onscreen from the tmp folder

reboot the box , then ftp your c or n line into cccam.cfg in var/etc , using EDIT in the ftp program, copying and pasting the line into the cfg and saving it

restart the box and press blue and select and save cccam 2.30 and then test the line

you will find some guides in the top 2 sticky threads here in the duo section


follow them

for info

keys go into usr/keys

I also installed mgcamd 1.38 and I also installed oscam too, as well as cccam

I have configured all 3 to work as required , using c or n line info, but you have to amend the config files accordingly, which is why I am asking you to start slowly and easily with cccam, the most widely used emu available (although oscam is better)

there are various downloads using the installers from the BH site, tried and tested in BH, so dont mess about with tspanel etc

good luck

ps:- I dont think you have bought a pup, but I do believe its your lack of knowledge on these linux boxes that causes you to think this way, yes the spider was eay, so people learned nothing, sorry to say (and yes I have had several spiders), so its the dogwalker that needs retraining :)

02-06-2015, 07:58 PM
Yes it's a real one. will install 2.1.6 and have another go. thanks

02-06-2015, 08:01 PM
have a mess about in 215 and learn all the basics, then try 216 (and update it immediately to 2.161 using the menus)

04-06-2015, 09:25 PM
Thanks for all your help. All running sweet now. Got a line in and working well. Like it. Just need a nick little usb stick in the back for pause tv and epg. Read the Lexar 16gb ones are good.

04-06-2015, 09:52 PM
If you going to go for a usb stick i would recommend SanDisk Cruzer Blade 64GB USB Flash
from as little as 13 quid on the bay