View Full Version : Newbie needs a little help from her friends

03-06-2015, 01:29 AM
Hi all, as mentioned i a very new beginner to the satellite box game and would appreciate any help at all with my issue.

i have been using the skybox f5 for about a year and some on this website suggested a vu solo 2 as an upgrade and i took that advice and bought one a few days ago from a well known on-line market place.

anyhoo, ive wired up the box and switched it on and i get the start up blue screen, below then the captions of bbc hd appear and then a black screen appears with writing shown in picture below, after a few seconds the box restarts and does this over and over again.

please can some one advice on what i need to do to get this working, i have not installed anything, and have not been able to get a hold of the seller after days of trying,

a step by step guide would be very helpful,

i have read that i had to upload an image file so i downloaded something called a blackhold and followed some instruction of copying the folder to a usb drive and then putting drive in the box and switching it and it will update the box and fix the problem but i tried but it did not work

thankyou all in advance.


03-06-2015, 05:51 AM
Hi Fourteen0407,
Is this is a Genuine VU+ solo2 or a clone, as it appears there is no space left in flash memory.

The reason I ask is its quite hard to fill the Genuine solo2's flash memory, although not impossible especially if someone has tried recording to it instead of a hdd

If you bought it as a Genuine VU+ solo2 and are sure that it is Genuine then follow Lee's step by step guide from here;
there is also lots of great information from Echelon in that thread as well

If it is not a Genuine VU+ do NOT put a Genuine image on it or you will brick your box
you will need to find a suitable image from elsewhere as we do not support these box's here at Satpimps

03-06-2015, 08:36 AM
Hi all, as mentioned i a very new beginner to the satellite box game and would appreciate any help at all with my issue.

i have been using the skybox f5 for about a year and some on this website suggested a vu solo 2 as an upgrade and i took that advice and bought one a few days ago from a well known on-line market place.

thankyou all in advance.


any advice from here to buy a VU box would have been to buy a genuine box from our sponsors GOLDWAFERS, not from a well known market place , especially as it could be a clone (or faulty) - the lack of seller communication indicates part of the problem, possibly a clone , or faulty, plus no after sales support (got their money so mission accomplished)

as mentioned above, we dont support clones on here

plus, if its faulty, there is nothing we can do to help you

those tutorials in the sticky threads will help you if its genuine and if its not faulty

good luck

ps:- if you do decide to try again, try BH 215 from here


(or you could try the new openvix hades 11 if you can find a download for it)


download the file, UNPACK it with 7zip

format a usb stick that is between half a gig to 8 gig in size to fat32 on your laptop or pc

copy and paste the previously unpacked folder VUPLUS to the stick

switch the solo2 box off completely using the mains switch

place the usb stick in the FRONT usb socket

turn the solo2 box on, and wait while it reads the stick

if all goes well it will program the box

then it will tell you to remove the usb stick and reboot

turn the solo2 box off at the mains and remove the stick

turn the solo2 box back on again and see if it boots up

if it does follow the onscreen wizards

bear in mind these procedures are nothing like your old f5 , there will still be a lot of work to do, which is why those tutorials are here

if it fails, assume the box faulty (or a clone) - but try several usb sticks before deciding this, the boxes can be fussy

pps:- you only joined here yesterday so hard to see how you took satpimps forum advice some time ago ;)

03-06-2015, 12:04 PM
wow thankyou all for your quick responses, its correct i only joined yesterday but i have been reading this forum for some time to gather information about what box to buy, that is how i come across and read a post about someone recommending the vu solo 2. from there i done some more research including visiting the vu plus site where there is an actual guide to spot clones.

the guide gives info on what to look out for on the exterior packaging, the shell of the box and also inside and i have to say my box looks genuine,

with regards to downloading the image onto a 1gb usb stick, i have already tried that however the box does not boot up pass the black screen with the white writing for the box to start to read the usb, i plug it in, the light on the usb comes on, the box starts, gets pass the initial blue screen then the black screen and then restarts all over again.

any assistance would be appreciated.

03-06-2015, 12:21 PM
The receiver should read the USB stick before you get anything on screen, you should get a message, on the front display, of your receiver.

Did you follow the guide, which Echelon mentioned?

If you are having problems please try another USB stick, as this usually solves the problem.

03-06-2015, 12:35 PM
with regards to downloading the image onto a 1gb usb stick, i have already tried that however the box does not boot up pass the black screen with the white writing for the box to start to read the usb, i plug it in, the light on the usb comes on, the box starts, gets pass the initial blue screen then the black screen and then restarts all over again.

any assistance would be appreciated.


now make sure this usb stick is formatted in fat32 using windows explorer , tools , formatting

choose fat32 and format it, then its blank

now copy the unpacked vuplus folder onto it (copy and paste)

place this usb stick in the front socket

switch your box on at the mains and it should start reading the usb stick for quite a while, then load the firmware

then it tells you to remove the stick and reboot , so remove the stick, turn box off at the mains , count to 10 , turn box on

if all this fails, try a different stick, format it, try again

remember, do not insert this stick with the box power switched ON, it has to be switched OFF first

either try BH from the vu solo 2 BH downloads here

or try openvix hades 11 from below


fill in the missing letters :)

03-06-2015, 12:48 PM
dear Echelon, "if it fails, assume the box faulty (or a clone) - but try several usb sticks before deciding this, the boxes can be fussy"

this small sentance from your previous post has saved me ripping my hair out as it turned out to be the usb was not one preferred by the box, changed the stick and hey presto. so thankyou all for getting me to this point, i honestly thought for a second that it was a clone.

now ive got to this point, ive downloaded and flash the bh image, is that the latest one? and gone through some settings.

03-06-2015, 12:54 PM
BH 2161 is the latest blackhole (not 215)

you download BH216 and install the box , then you update it through its onscreen menus from the online update server (2.161 is a minor update to 2.16)

you cannot upgrade 215 to 216 or to 2161 , its start again every time

so when 217 comes out its start again

glad it was the stick (as myself and mickha suspected)

tutorials here


04-06-2015, 11:31 AM
hi all, ive got to a point that im stuck now,

ive followed all the tutorials, downloaded vix image, used dcce, channel list also, managed to install plugins, inc sky blue skin, installed tspanel via dcce, downloaded bouquet then a guide was sent to me by the guy who provided me with gift on how to install the ccam.cfg file by logging into my box via my computer (fttp: then ip address), that all worked however i dont get all the channels open, some are open whilst channels like sly movies are not, i know the code works fine as i checked in again in my old f5 box and all channels work on there.

what am i doing wrong.

i followed all the gudies apart from the sections about how to change the satellite positions which i didnt think i need to do as im using a fixed sly dish.

just to summarise,

downloaded vix image from vix website and installed,
ran automatic bouquet maker which created channels
installed cccam.cfg file into box via ftp log into box
some channels work but most paid ones dont, just blank screen

as always, thankyou for any help

04-06-2015, 11:41 AM
I suppose it all depends on the channels you are trying, plus the transponders they are using , due to many recent transponder changes , plus some could be irish and not uk too

my advice would be to install the latest catseye list from 01 june 2015 , that way you know the list is UK and up to date (4 days old)

also, dont bother trying HD scrambled channels as 95% of them will fail, especially all the sly uk HD channels that are not free

in other words make sure the movie channel you are trying is not HD, if it is you are wasting your time (and ours , lol)

also make sure that the cccam you are using is version 2.30 , not an older one

judging from your post, as the channels work on one box and fail on another, the channels cannot be the same

conclusion ? the channel list bouquet you are using is out of date, which means the channels could be too

if any give this message "sid not found in pat" then its a dead transponder channel

check your channel transponders are up to date by checking them against the lists at king of sat

a simpler option is install the catseye list I mentioned above , from the SETTINGS - ENIGMA 2 forum here on pimps

04-06-2015, 11:49 AM
thankyou once again for your swift response,

with regards to hd channels, im not really bothered about hd channels, with my eyes i would not be able to tell the difference anyway lol, im happy with standard.

with regards to the latest catseye list, please could you tell me where to get that from,

im not familiar at all about transponders etc, i was under the assumption from the guide i was sent, that i would not need to make any satellite changes as its a fixed on the outside wall type dish, so the guide did not talk anything about that.

i am based in the midlands, telford, so i want uk channels.

the cccam file you refer to, the guide i was sent just explained that i need access box via fttp: go to etc folder and locate cccam.cfg and replace contents with the code he provided and thats it.and thats what i done.

04-06-2015, 11:57 AM
found the list, thankyou, ok let me try this. holding breath lol


04-06-2015, 11:58 AM
I accept that the guide told you where the config file was , but I am talking about the bin file, the one that actually does the job (the engine, not the petrol)

in your menus you went into softcams and selected the cccam, this should have told you the version number, which is the version you installed when you decided to install an emu (emulator)

I am saying make sure you installed version 2.30 , and preferably not 2.21 or 2.14 (the older ones)

as I said earlier, the catseyes channel lists are in the ENIGMA 2 settings forum here, in the sticky threads (usually the top thread), find the 01 june post (last one) and download the E2 settings for 28e uk file

unzip it and transfer it to your box using dreamboxedit , then restart enigma 2 (or reboot the box)

catseye is also in the west mids so it will have your local channels on it (I hope) , by default

you need to learn to navigate our forums here so you have more idea where to find stuff

also note that transponders change a lot which is how I knew what your problem would be, especially as I just downloaded and used his latest list myself on my dreambox

so to recap

check you are using cccam v2.30

install and use catseyes 01 june 2015 channel list for 28e (sly uk on 28e)

04-06-2015, 12:30 PM
Sir echelon you are a star, thankyou once again. working great,

expert guide all the way.

5 stars