View Full Version : Horizontal frequencies on 9900HD

13-06-2015, 07:00 PM
It seems that my Spiderbox 9900HD 's tuner is on the blink.
I am not getting any signal on most H frequencies but all OK on Vertical.
I do have a SB 6000 HD connected to same dish and dual LNB which show no problem at all with these H freuences.
Any suggestions how I can check this completely?
I still have to change receivers to the SB 9900 connection to find out if it is an LNB problem (just been told to do this by a friend)

13-06-2015, 07:12 PM
Are you getting any H frequencies at all on any satellites ? you said no channels on most H transponders, its important to know if you can get any.

Its either the receiver is failing to voltage switch the polarity or your lnb has gone pear shaped, start with the lnb as its easy to check, put the receiver on a fta H channel that you were getting and twist the lnb 90 degrees, the H channels should now be recievable from the V position.

A cracked lnb cover or moisture in the lnb also is worth a look, insects inside the lnb can wipe out one polarity or both?

15-06-2015, 03:46 PM
@ TonyO
thanks for your hints.
I will be checking these some time this week end or the one after as will be away from this residence during most of the time for these weeks.
Will advice outcome when checked all you suggested.

18-06-2015, 12:01 PM
Update on my first message:
Today i put on my receiver and all H frequencies are working.
Very strange happening, now I will wait and see what happens in the following days.

18-06-2015, 12:58 PM
Possible bad joint to plug with cable making the voltage switching signal not get through, maybe the cooler weather has allowed your receiver power supply some respite so it can work again, if its the power supply the probs will return again.