View Full Version : 27.5 West question

02-07-2015, 06:59 PM
Hi guys

Can anyone advise if they are still having problems watching the freesat channnels from 27.5 West??

Using the latest dated file of 30.06.15

Ive checked tonight & although cant open these channels I don't get any error/signal messages

Using vu duo 2 & 1.2 meter dish get around 60% on both sd & hd channels

Thanks in advance

02-07-2015, 08:06 PM
I thought they were BISS encrypted, and required some special files, including a lame.db file.
I also seem to remember that they didn't work using Black Hole, but might using Open Black Hole.
Have you had them open before?
Which image are you using?

02-07-2015, 08:58 PM
Thanks Mickha
I dont watch or open these channels tbh as theres no need for me to
But on another forum one member has said he's having problems with them but as far as i can see they are fine (signal/pids/sids etc)

Its interesting you say about having a special lamedb file as this is what he's said needs amending

If anyone can throw any light on this would be appreciated

02-07-2015, 09:23 PM
I think tha probably the problem is that previously we had to manualy enter the info for the channels by editing the lamedb on the box but enigma 2 had to be stopped then the file could be edited and enigma2 had to be restarted. If this is done in windows for example and the file is then sent to the box the changes are corrupted.
If you have a working lamedb you can ftp this to the box and it will work providing enigma2 is stopped, maybe if enigma2 was stopped and then your channel list is sent to the box it will work. I will have a look over the weekend.


02-07-2015, 09:47 PM
It looks like the stop and start enigma settings are already there in DreamSet 2.4.2 so if your lamedb is is correct it should work.
I have sent you a pm.

02-07-2015, 09:54 PM
I think tha probably the problem is that previously we had to manualy enter the info for the channels by editing the lamedb on the box but enigma 2 had to be stopped then the file could be edited and enigma2 had to be restarted. If this is done in windows for example and the file is then sent to the box the changes are corrupted.
If you have a working lamedb you can ftp this to the box and it will work providing enigma2 is stopped, maybe if enigma2 was stopped and then your channel list is sent to the box it will work. I will have a look over the weekend.

what happens is when you stop enigma and ftp the lamedb in, it screws up alot of settings in catseye settings,what i was proposing is the lamedb would be amended in cats next release, do you think its possible ?

03-07-2015, 12:51 AM
just tried it in openBH 0.1 in the flash on a vu solo2 using dreamset v2.44 set to e2 v4 http

no, it does not open 27.5w using oscam and the other satback files

so yes it needs the modified lame.db file that works with both 27.5w and also other sats like 28.2e as well

I know some dudez have been working on modifying the details in that lame.db file

so sorry to say that at the moment it does not work on 27.5w using a recent oscam and the details described in the vu forums here , assuming dreamset is overwriting the lame.db file in there (I think it is because if I use one I tried last week most of the bbc sd channels open)



ps:- you need openBH or openpli 4 to try it on the vu (any vu) and a recent oscam like OSCam 10665 or OSCam r10815

so not bh 2.161 etc

03-07-2015, 01:19 AM
i modified the catseye motor settings for 27 west
and uploaded it last week in the other thread
and tested it
all sats work great

here it is again if you missed it

03-07-2015, 01:21 AM
he has just updated his lists, I dont know if we just overwrite the lame.db file in his new list with the one in the list you just posted ?

be good to know , OR can you upload the latest modded motorised list for 30 june please ?


edit, I replaced his lame.db file with yours from 22 june in his motorised list from 30 june 2015 , still didnt work , assuming I did it correctly of course ;)

03-07-2015, 01:46 AM
i just downloaded latest catseye 30.06.15 motor settings
had a look how catseye modded it for 27 west
you have got all the data right
but left out ,f:4

,f:4 must be at the end of every 27 west channels data

what you had

BBC One Scotland

what it should look like

BBC One Scotland
p:BBC,c:001005,c:011006,c:031005, f:4

catseye when you make a new list
just add ,f:4


03-07-2015, 02:16 AM

have you all 4 files below in




03-07-2015, 08:18 AM
@ ozzsurf,
i never knew you had moded catseye motor settings, just loaded it on and its perfect, great again ozz, many thanks

03-07-2015, 08:38 AM
yep, I have those bin files and chmodded too , as I had a previous settings list and lamedb file were working on most of the SD, I checked this before messing with the new list etc in openBH 0.1 in the solo2 flash using dreamset v2.44

anyway , I tried the modded list ozzsurf posted above and most of the channels opened ok in openBH once I replaced the lamedb file using init 4 and init 3 commands in telnet in order to delete and replace it

the ones that didnt open in the modded ozzsurf list were


I have no idea why, but the others opened ok , like bbc1 and bbc2 and bbc news and film4 etc , plus some of the HD channels

so yes the lamedb file needs modding and you have to ensure it gets transferred into the box too

anyway, I hope this is all grist for the mill and I dont mind testing the lists in openBH as I normally run BH 2161 using openBOOT

hopefully catseye will add those missing characters and produce a new motorised list for us to test