View Full Version : Blue HD Skin on VIX

06-07-2015, 05:11 PM

I'm running Blue HD Skin on VIX which I love. However one thing I would really like to change is that when I choose channel up/down it brings up mini epg and I have to then select the channel and zap to it.
Where can I change this only I'm used to using a BH image and channel up/down did exactly that change the channel up or down with one key press


Dark Cloud
06-07-2015, 05:49 PM
I'm running Vix Hades 016 with that skin and it does change channels + and -.
There must be a setting for this,......but someone more knowledgeable will have to say.

06-07-2015, 06:08 PM

I'm running Blue HD Skin on VIX which I love.

However one thing I would really like to change is that when I choose channel up/down it brings up mini epg and I have to then select the channel and zap to it.

Where can I change this only I'm used to using a BH image and channel up/down did exactly that change the channel up or down with one key press


the thing is , you are not using the channel up/down buttons

channel up/down is on the right hand side above the help key, and works as it should

you are talking about the right and left ARROWS on the right and left of the OK button, which in BH change the channel up or down

on vix they bring up the mini-epg as you correctly say

10-01-2016, 09:17 PM
is there anyway of making a planner menu on this skin without going to the main menu and then media search?
and can the yellow and blue buttons in the EPG be made to +24 and -24 hours so we can skip days. Some work on the ch +/- but my old cloud ibox 2 wont work at all.