View Full Version : Complete Settings Backup

07-07-2015, 11:51 AM
Hi. What is the best way to backup everything on my UNO before loading a new image? I would like to backup channels/bouquets, plugins etc.. and most importantly the tuner setup/configuration. I am using a vbox2, diseq, not usuals.
Basically, I would like to make sure that I can easily return the receiver to its current state should anything go wrong.

Thanks in advance.


07-07-2015, 12:16 PM
Are you uploading a new, different, image, or an updated image?

Personally I prefer starting off with a new slate, so I only backup my channel list, including Bouquets, using dreamboxedit.

I also use Diseqc 1.2, as I have a 36v motor and a V-Box II, but setting this up again is very easy, and quick, at least with Black Hole. I have a list, of all the satellites, and corresponding positions, set up on the V-Box II, e.g. 19.2E = 1, 16E = 2, 13E = 3, etc...
As these positions are stored, in the V-Box II, I just have to configure my VU+ Tuner to the same settings.

Thus I go into the menu, select Tuner, Advanced, LNB 1, select Diseqc 1.2, select No to USALS option, and store at 001, I then do the same procedure for 16E, 002, and so on, it takes me less than a minute, to store every satellite position, without the motor even moving.

07-07-2015, 12:29 PM
depends on the image in the uno, but I would favour doing a full image backup, AND a settings backup too

then ftp these over from the box to your pc or laptop (this was what I did recently on a solo 2 and my duo 1)

each image has different menus, but somewhere within them you should find the image backup and settings backup

as mickha has said, you should also do manual backups as well

in BH I backed up the following (using an ftp program like flash fxp or filezilla from VuCC)

var/tuxbox/config folder (my oscam configs)

cccam.cfg from var/etc

mgcamd , cccam and oscam bin files from var/bin folder

the camscripts in usr/camscript folder

the keys folder in usr/keys

the plugins Extension folder

I also backed up the channel list using the latest dreamboxedit, and also used dreamset v2.44 to do so AS WELL as dreamboxedit

plus any other personal settings you can find or think of

only then did I wipe it and start from scratch with a new image (like the new openBH image)

07-07-2015, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the replies, I am currently using Black Pole and was going to try the new Black Pole image and maybe Vix. I want to get oscam working. Is the latest Black Hole image OE 2.0 or OE 1.6?


07-07-2015, 01:15 PM
never used an uno but I assume its an E2 box so I assume its OE 2.0

never tried blackpole, but openBH is a good image to try and supports oscam, as does BH 2161 and Openvix hades 16

they all support cccam 2.30 , mgcamd 1.38 and oscam

07-07-2015, 02:34 PM
I think the black pole image I am using is OE 1.6. Is it the box or is the image? I must admit, I haven't updated it in a couple of years!


07-07-2015, 02:37 PM
I suspect things have moved on and so you should try openBH 0.1 , or openvix hades 15 (online update to 16 in the menus) , or BH 216 and upgrade it to BH 2.161, or try openpli 4

bear in mind that your settings files for 1.6 enigma or not compatible with 2.0 enigma, so you need to start again with up to date files

you can still retain your old configs though, so back them up using ftp

07-07-2015, 02:42 PM
Okay. Thanks for the info.
