View Full Version : can't set motor on open black hole 0.1

09-07-2015, 12:42 PM
Hi everyone I tried few attempts on this open black hole 0.1 version it is very good on fixed satellite setting but I can't get it to work on my motorised 90cm dish I have quad lnb setup tuner A is simple tuner B is equal to A tuner C is advance lnb1 and tuner D is second cable but when I try to set the position the dish moves away even though I have set the stored position twice but when I do a simple mode setup it works fine but I can't move the dish I have no problem on normal black hole 2.1.6 which I am using now but I want to have open black hole 0.1 version the pic quality is better and its got few features which are very handy i.e when you are searching for any channel which is not working you simply go in satellites and it takes you to same letter and you can press number with letter to change without scrolling down the list and few more features are very good that's why I want to have this version, I am only struggling with setting up the motor any help will be appreciated

09-07-2015, 01:00 PM
Do you mean you have 4 tuners, in the VU+ Duo 2, with a fixed dish set up, on two tuners and a twin LNB, on a motor?
A quad LNB, on a motorized dish, would give 4 outputs, for your 4 tuners, but all would be based on the motorized dish.
Are you using USALS, or Diseqc 1.2? You only really need advances setup for Diseqc 1.2.

09-07-2015, 02:18 PM
sorry my mistake for writing quad lnb instead of 4 tuners yes tuner C is set to Advance and Diseqc 1.2 and tuner D is second cable but I have tried with unconfigure tuner D just incase but it just doesn't work the dish moves away don't know where cant get it to work

09-07-2015, 02:50 PM
This is your setup problem. I have Vu+Duo2 with installed OpenBH 0.1. Tuner A is motor , B fixed with 3LNB and I have C/T2 tuner to. All working fine. Better connect motor and fixed to different tuners and use USALS with motor.

09-07-2015, 02:55 PM
I agree

my solo 2 is motor on tuner A (usals , simple - positioner) and fixed dish on tuner B

09-07-2015, 08:48 PM
hi guys I have managed to set things right it turned out to be a very easy fix after all, all I needed to do was disable usals and then you get position stored option it was a fluke thanks for looking