View Full Version : auto disecq problems

09-07-2015, 09:47 PM
auto disecq problems

i have problems setting up the disecq on vu (the same on solo2 and zero) when attemping to set disecq only 28.2 is shown. (no other sat)

set the disecq to automatic (do disecq search and it say nothing connected. (If i change for openbox both 28.2 and 19.2 are found ok)

i am using open atv but have tried openvix and pli with the same issues.
i previously used axactly the same setup using and older version of openatv and it worked ok because not using the auto diseqc set up.
i have used catseye channels lists aswell
any ideas appreciated

09-07-2015, 11:33 PM
Don't those images have the basic tuner configuration option?
Simple, Mode = Diseqc A/B.

10-07-2015, 12:01 AM
why not just put the sats in the correct order anyway as the auto function has always been a bit hit and miss

10-07-2015, 01:07 PM
thanks both for replies, the issue is now sorted. for info for anyone else; it was the xml file that was either missing or not up to date. installing a new file resolved the issue