View Full Version : Message onscreen BlackHole 2.17

16-07-2015, 04:15 PM
Onscreen message in BackHole 2.17
I think my settings in the System / Autoshutdown menu settings are to blame. The LCD screen goes black apart from the word "NO", I press the OK button then I see ‘Question : Recordings are in progress or coming up in a few seconds : Really shut down now NO / YES.
How to set for no messages but recording to take place as per timer set?

16-07-2015, 04:27 PM
have you tried dissabeling the auto shutdown

I don't like the auto shut down so I disable it

16-07-2015, 06:28 PM
Check the options in Menu, Setup, System, Customise, set the option to Expert and you can disable/change, most messages, and settings.

16-07-2015, 06:29 PM
Hi Thanks
Just tried another timer setting start up on the VU from shut down, Still the same. Auto shutdown is disabled, must be another setting elsewhere but struggling to find it.

16-07-2015, 06:50 PM
Check the options in Menu, Setup, System, Customise, set the option to Expert and you can disable/change, most messages, and settings.
Thank Mickha been in that menu a few times, will now try a few NO's like show event progress,show info bar on change, show event change.

16-07-2015, 07:05 PM
No, still the same, just the center LCD screen with NO on it when the timer starts, got me beat this one has, been into Linux boxes since the Dbox2, my VTi and VIX images are fine, no problems with them.

16-07-2015, 07:43 PM
I've never had this message so I wonder if I can re-create it.
Are you running any extra plugins, like LCD 4linux?

16-07-2015, 08:04 PM
I've never had this message so I wonder if I can re-create it.
Are you running any extra plugins, like LCD 4linux?
No extra plugins, I am shutting BH1.217 down after setting the recording start time then letting it start its self, get NO on box and Monitor shows a popup ‘Question : Recordings are in progress or coming up in a few seconds : Really shut down now NO / YES. I do recall haveing this before with BH Images.
Have put VTi 8.2.2 back on now, just waiting for a timer start but I am confident it will be ok, Yes update Vti starts ok with splash screen then timer 3min countdown start, recording now ok.

16-07-2015, 09:04 PM
I have no problems, or messages, even when powering down during a recording, on any of the Black Hole images I've loaded, but equally I have stopped nearly all the messages, and pop ups, especially the next program info, which, due to over-running was popping up before the end of the previous show.
I'm still running Black Hole 2.15, as it does everything I want, at the moment, but I do hope to try open Black Hole, when I have time, and don't have to record shows for my parents, but even in earlier versions, of Black Hole, I never got this message.
In fact the only message, I've left running, is one stating a recording will start in 3,2,1, and I'm considering trying to stop that.

16-07-2015, 09:24 PM
Ok, i'll try and compare the customize menus between the two images.

17-07-2015, 10:55 AM
Update, copied the customized settings from Vti into BH 2.17 still the same so staying with Vti.
If I have time today I may try an older BH image.

18-07-2015, 10:37 AM
Tried 'Open BlackHole' which works fine, records a pre-timed recording after using the Shutdown menu option without popups or user input required.