View Full Version : I can't satellites

16-07-2015, 09:20 PM
I can't add satellites.I think I have messed up something in settings.I need to add a few more satellites and I can't.I am installing satloader and it doesn't open, is thera differnt way of adding satellites than trough plugins?I already have astra,hotbird but i can't get any others.

Many thanks in advance for you replies.

16-07-2015, 09:33 PM
download the latest catseye E2 settings file (choose the one with all sats, or one containing the sats you require)

unpack the folder on your pc

download dreamset v2.44 from the forums here, unpack it to a folder

double click on dreamset.exe (the the sat dish icon)

set the settings to enigma 2 v4 (http reload)

add the box ip address, login is root and the password is your box password (if any)

use OPEN file to select the lamedb file from the catseye settings folder you unpacked earlier

click on transfer, click write

reboot the box when completed

then add your usals settings in positioner and select the sat and bouquet you want, then select the channel

16-07-2015, 09:39 PM
Great, All working fine now.Many thanks echelon.