View Full Version : S3000HDCCI+ problem

23-07-2015, 03:24 PM
Hi to you all. I am new on the site and am looking for assistance.
I have used this forum for reference in the past and have normally found a thread that solved my problem. But now I am stuck,

I have been given an Icecrypt S3000HDCCI+ to try Intelsat 907 and was advised to download and install a file to update the biss code. Now the box powers up with A \ H in the display but no output to the tv and none of the buttons on the RC or box function! Is there a way to reset the box?

I am sorry if this has been covered before, but the only references I could find, refer to reinstalling firmware from within the menu, which is not accessible to me. Any help would be greatly received. Thank you in advance.

24-07-2015, 05:28 PM
Have you tried connecting LAN internet cable to the box and FTP the latest software from icecrypts server,also there is new sw on icecrypt.com ,when you update by usb always select all SW+bootloader and you will be fine,dont forget you can navigate using the buttons on the front of the box,hope this helps.

26-07-2015, 11:10 AM
Have you tried connecting LAN internet cable to the box and FTP the latest software from icecrypts server,also there is new sw on icecrypt.com ,when you update by usb always select all SW+bootloader and you will be fine,dont forget you can navigate using the buttons on the front of the box,hope this helps.

Thanks villamarre, for your reply, I was not aware that you could ftp direct to the box, would that still work if I have no response from the box and no output to the tv? Also none of the buttons on the front appear to do anything. I am very new to this, so it is possible that there are procedures that others with more experience would have already tried. I have downloaded the latest .abs from Icecrypt and was hoping you could upload it via usb from power up?
I saw an old post from ColdAsICE referring to, "restore it via serial RS232 recovery." But have been unable to find the serial software that he referred to in his thread.

Thanks again for yours and anybody else´s help with this problem.

26-07-2015, 12:20 PM
Hi sounds like you're having similar problems to me.

I hunted round yesterday for a usb to serial port and the null modem cable. I got them and set it all up.

I used porter express which is in the tools section of the forum.
Windows 8.1 will set it all up, let it find drivers online.

Im still hoping someone can find me the flash clean (3500) as it needs that first before putting the firmware back on, without cleaner first it just fails to upload the firmware to the box, gets to about 70% then rolls back. You might need to go through the same procedure as me.

By the way unless im being thick I cant find any of these files on the icecrypt.com website only the latest firmware.

Let me know how you get one as I said we are both new to this and seem to be in the same unhappy boat.

26-07-2015, 12:28 PM
as mentioned above , porter express is in the tool forum here


also note that it tells people NOT TO USE usb adapters etc

Porter express is the serial loader for the Icecrypt S4000.
A Null Modem lead(reversed TX/RX) is required.
It can be used to recover receivers which have the firmware corrupted and fail to boot up.
Please note that USB to Serial adaptors are not recommended as they normally don't have enough buffer memory to cope with the slow transfer speeds of the serial connection.

people SHOULD be using a windows xp desktop or tower, with 9 pin serial com port or ports on the rear backplane

usually these will be com 1 or com 2

nobody should be using a usb adapter at all !

win xp pro is the preferable OS , although you could try vista , or win 7 professional or win 7 ultimate

a null modem cable with 9 pin serial ports at both ends should be used , wired as follows

pin 2 to pin 3
pin 3 to pin 2
pin 5 to pin 5

not a straight wired serial cable

these null modem cable and usb adapters topics have been dealt with hundreds of times on these forums

so no win 8 or win 8.1 , no usb adapters, just xp and a null modem cable

like here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?158068-Com-port-setup

26-07-2015, 03:02 PM
Is that why it fails to fully upload the file to the box?

26-07-2015, 03:12 PM
Is that why it fails to fully upload the file to the box?

Your answer is here: so no win 8 or win 8.1 , no usb adapters, just xp and a null modem cable, as echelon stated in the post prior to yours.

26-07-2015, 03:12 PM
Is that why it fails to fully upload the file to the box?

that would be my opinion, given I have never had any success at all with usb adapters and null modem cables in over 12 years doing these tasks ;)

it even tells you this in that porter express posy you mentioned earlier, so why try to work around it when it tells you its a no-no ? (like I am doing)

when I read your post earlier about using usb adapters and null modem cables and win 8.1, then you also mentioned porter express, the alarm bells went off in my head, due to what coldasice mentioned, plus my sticky thread on the subject that I linked you to as well

try an xp desktop with 9 pin serial port (or an xp tower , or an old xp laptop with 9 pin serial port) - never had a problem with any of those