View Full Version : Can't see Kingston datatraveler

27-07-2015, 12:23 PM
I am setting up a VU+ zero for a mate, Got it flashed with Hades 018, no problem, but I can't see the usb stick. I want to put picons and epg data on it, but I only see internal flash and media/hdd. If I choose hdd it does save it on usb. If I go into mount manager nothing is there. Any ideas why I can't see it?

27-07-2015, 06:05 PM
did you make sure you followed the sticky threads as regards formatting the stick in the box AFTER booting without it inserted ?

ie:- you have the stick in your hand, boot the box, set the formatting wizard going and insert it when told to do so, then it partitions and formats it for you

then you reboot and mount it , same as the hdd is mounted to the hdd patch, but choosing usb instead

I would recommend using ext4 as the format when you are asked to choose, that way its ready for multiboot if required in the future

28-07-2015, 08:58 AM
Thanks for reply Echelon. I've tried searching it, but can't seem to find the sticky you refer to. Can you point me in the right direction please?. Thanks.

28-07-2015, 09:15 AM
its in most or all of the VU help forums and is too do with setting up EPG plugins and data etc

dont restrict yourself to the zero forum on here, all the vu and settings forums may be relevant, plus the dreambox forums too, its definitely in the solo 2 stickies and you have participated in that forum for 12 months or so now ;)

I assume that by your reply you have never set up a usb stick on a linux box, hence your present problem , because it needs to be partitioned , formatted and mounted in a linux environment, not just unpacked and plugged in regardless

let us know how you get on

28-07-2015, 10:42 AM
After persevering managed to get it installed and mounted. Cheers.

28-07-2015, 11:53 AM
I strongly suggest you do the same on your own solo2 as well (surprised you havent done so already) choosing ext4 in case you wish to take advantage of multiboot

I even commented on it 2 weeks ago here
