View Full Version : amiko mini combo hd bootloader mismatch

02-08-2015, 07:30 PM
First i'd like to say hello to everyone, new to the forum and fairly this box and this site came up to on google search.

ok, I've been to *********** website to get the latest firmware, but keeps coming up boot loader mismatch every time, tried all the different options on the usb update menu, but doesn't help. I even tried some from here, but not joy.
The box used to work, but I then went to sly, so box hasn't been used/update for a while.

Model ID - ALi_3612
S/W - 0e060a00_1.3.46 EMU
H/W - YW-M3612-Rainbow05
Loader version - m3612 1.0.7
Latest update - By Dekolite 31.12.14/17

I don't know if these details will help, but just thought i'd post them.

Thanks in advance

02-08-2015, 08:23 PM
Are you sure the firmware you have downloaded is for the Combo HD and not for the Combo HD SE for example? Very easy mistake to make (speaking from experience!) and that would generally give the mismatch error.
Attached here is the latest Amiko Combo HD firmware and 28.2 East channel list - Load this on by USB update and make sure you choose SW+Bootloader as the update type, fingers crossed this do the job for you.

02-08-2015, 09:20 PM
Thanks for replying. Still get the same error. Says reading data 0%, then flashes up bootloader version mismatch.
Any chance it could be a usb stick fault?
It's formatted to fat32,

02-08-2015, 09:27 PM
Don't think it's a usb fault, I managed to back up to usb then reflash the old one back on successfully, but it won't touch the new one

03-08-2015, 12:29 PM
Checked this out on the Combo HD this morning just to be sure the update is working OK etc. and all is fine here, are you sure you are choosing SW+Bootloader as the update type and of course that you have extracted the .abs file from the .zip file I attached and it's the .abs file you are trying to update with - Sure you are but worth checking just in case...

03-08-2015, 10:23 PM
looks like the fault is with my box then :angelsad2: oh well new box it is, think ill just do a test between q5 pvr vs amiko vs Hammer.

04-08-2015, 01:09 PM
The error you are getting for sure means there is a problem with this version of firmware against the hardware, if you are 100% sure the model number matches the firmware then I can think of two possible things, if it's genuine Amiko then an RS232 update should cure it, if it's a clone (and they do exist though not seen them around recently) then that could answer it, they are most likely not compatible with the latest bootloader version of official firmware releases.

13-01-2016, 02:42 PM
The problem is you have loaded 3rd Party firmware on your box and the bootloader version is
higher than the Original as higher version is Probably 1.0.7 and the version you want to revert
to is 1.0.4 I have the same Problem I flashed my box with Dekolte Firmware as he had a Multi
Sat setup Ready and now I can't revert back it gives me bootloader mismatch error even with
an RS232 Cable my box won't Flash back to Original Firmware ****>