View Full Version : new firmware mygica atv 582

04-08-2015, 10:04 AM
today while using my box...mygica 582
i was asked by a pop up...do i wish to upgrade
i clicked yes...
my box was running helix 14.1
it is now 14.2
thanks to the guys who develop and keep this box supported

04-08-2015, 11:41 AM
I opted for the upgrade. got about 90 per cent then stopped. I waited about 15 min. then I gave Lee a call at Goldwafers. His advice was to give it a few more minutes then power off then on again. It then started the upgrade again and was alright this time. I thought it might be helpful to any one who had the same problem.

04-08-2015, 12:11 PM
mine worked fine first time...i am connected by ethernet cable...

04-08-2015, 09:17 PM
i got to 90% also with the upgrade. powered off then on and it also finished the upgrade. however tonight I was 2 hours into watching the film prisoners when the box froze and will now not let me into kodi at all. keeps telling me its the first run and back to the home page. just the same as a week after I bought it. another factory reset. this is a pain in the arse.

05-08-2015, 10:34 AM
since putting the upgrade on..i have run tvaddons(fusion etc) smoothly without any problems
(this did work fine on 14.1)
wookie on 14.1 to me seemed slow in response but worked fine
all other repo`s i have installed sugessted by members on this site also worked faultlessly
now on 14.2 wookie runs smooth and fast response
so now its down to personal choice what you run on your mygica box
(as stated above i have my mygica box connected by ethernet cable..not wireless)

06-08-2015, 10:32 PM
O.T.A. Update most recent, as discussed in this thread.

Did you install beta 28/7/15 update manually before you received the new update O.T.A. in the last couple of days ?

Reason i ask is i find the update through >

Application > Upgrade > Automatic Update ( Uncheck > Manual Update Now > Okay > Okay > Internal sd card does not have enough space or manual clearing internal sd card content, choice of either >

I selected cancel and reverted back to Automatic update > Okay > to check update from server.

I feel there could be issues re in recovery mode to make the upgrade possible.

Can anyone shed some light on the firmware prior to ota upgrade?

Thanks jamsb.

07-08-2015, 04:21 AM
the way i got my update was has follows
i was using my box...a pop up appeared...it said...a firmware/software update is available for your box...it was from mygica team
i clicked yes...it auto upgraded...i followed onscreen instructions...ie disconect from mains power on completion...and then connect back
on connecting back..my helix 14.1...had now become 14.2
my box in settings was set to auto receive updates from server
i did notice that on a new install factory reset after i upgraded..instead of it putting 13 things on wifi etc...it now puts 15
i have no problems resetting box...factory reset...everything is running smoothly
(before the pop up appeared...i had not done the beta 28/7/2015)

07-08-2015, 06:26 AM
Thanks for your reply m8.

I just wondered if July beta firmware was the precursor for the ota update.

I think i will do 28/7/15 beta update localy then wait for notification for ota update.

Thanks again. jamsb.

08-08-2015, 07:24 PM
A friend rang me today saying his daughter wanted to access her netflix account on his mygica 582
it was allowing her to the log in page of netflix and going no futher
i went his house...and now it works fine...this is what i did...
on his mygica box...i went to apps...mygica store...and looked at the section updates
netflix was there...i installed the update...rebooted the box...and now netflix works fine
hope this helps someone

09-08-2015, 08:17 AM
The last OTA update.What i did.

I set to manual from Automatic by(Unchecking) Automatic, this option appears on screen.

Requested the update. It gave me a message that my internal SD card was not large enough even though there was more than 6GB on it. It gave me the option of formatting it and I said yes. It then rebooted and took me to the android system recovery screen.

On that screen I had the following options:
- Reboot System now
- apply update from EXT
- apply update from internal
- wipe data/factory reset
- set efuse item

Each time I tried reboot, it would take me back to the same recovery menu.I could not apply Update from internal,as at this point the box had not downloaded the update File. Eventually I did a wipe data / factory reset.

Then applied 28/7/15 Beta Update which i manually d/loaded to my USB Stick ( Which i extracted image file from zip file) onto my usb stick then,applied by Clicking on usb option below internal sd card
(option on recovery screen menu) and the file loaded perfectly.

I noticed after beta 28/7/15 file had loaded all default items chosen by s/ware coders not all the apps loaded, on the home page of Android, there was some boxes with plus signs.They had not all loaded.

After the above process,of adding 28/7/15 Beta Image File,The box d/loaded the O.T.A. UPDATE Immediately, which went fine.This update loaded all default apps.( No empty or plus signs on Android home page)
I lost all of my settings,having to setup manually from scratch on Android and on Kodi.

Which is no bad thing given the backups i had was of Android 31/3/15.

Also on kodi was 14.1 Helix.

I think one thing to remember is always have an image file to add to your box when in recovery and not depend on an automatic internal d/load. Sometimes it does not happen as was my case.

I hope this post helps other people to work there way through menus which can be daunting and achieve a positive result.My Mygica A.T.V.582 is flying now after this new update O.T.A.With Kodi 14.2.

Enjoy your Mygica 582 what a piece of kit this is.

Many thanks to Lee at Goldwafers.

All the best jamsb

09-08-2015, 01:48 PM
Another little tip
if you are using your mygica box constantly like me...you may notice how warm it gets
i noticed this when i took it to another room ...i could feel how warm it was
underneath the box are 4 rubber studs that keep the box quarter of an inich off the surface you place it on
well i put a piece of blue tack on each stud...which raised it higher...have now noticed how much cooler the box is

09-08-2015, 04:05 PM
Thanks EXTRAFACTO , a very good tip.

In fact critical to keep the box as cool and well ventilated as possible.

All the best jamsb.