View Full Version : Help with icecrypt SC1600HD

06-08-2015, 11:50 AM
hope someone can help me with this, i recently firmware upgraded the box which uses 28.2e and 27w to 1.6.8 now i cant get the cam to work, just keeps trying to connect, was perfect before (yeh i know why..) anyone ??

ps i was sent an offical version of the software but of course it has no cam facilty.

12-08-2015, 11:19 AM
hope someone can help me with this, i recently firmware upgraded the box which uses 28.2e and 27w to 1.6.8 now i cant get the cam to work, just keeps trying to connect, was perfect before (yeh i know why..) anyone ??

ps i was sent an offical version of the software but of course it has no cam facilty.

Are you using Wifi stick? I had a similar problem when I upgraded to 1.6.8 which could not connect to the internet using wifi but worked using ethernet. I have since upgraded using ftp and the latest version has resolved the wifi issue.