View Full Version : PlayList - where is this directory?

14-08-2015, 09:07 AM
I am looking for a quick way of clearing down my playlist to get rid of movies i have already watched. Is there a quick way of browsing to this directory through Filezilla or whatever and just deleting them or have I got to select them all one by one and use the menu to select the delete option? If so, this seems a long winded way of doing things in this day and age?

14-08-2015, 10:24 AM
Yes, just connect FileZilla, go into the Media, HDD, Movie folder and you can view them there, you can copy them to your PC, or delete them, as required.
I just use the options available, in Black Hole, by pressing the button, that brings up the list of movies, highlighting one then pressing the menu button and delete.

14-08-2015, 10:27 AM
I dont know if all images are the same but they should be.
Recorded movies are in HDD/movie and downloaded movies are in HDD/mpg unless you have changed them to a different directory.

14-08-2015, 11:50 AM
Sorry guys should have mde myself clearer, I'm using Black Hole image, when i download movies they go straight in to the hdd/movie directory. When i want to watch one of them I browse to this directory through the menu system on the remote control, then by pressing the 'OK' button in the middle of the remote control the movie gets copied over into the lower right hand pane on the screen. I can then press the lower of the two ' p' buttons on the right hand side of the remote (which is usually used to select up and down programs whilst watching tv) to move into this right hand pane. I can then use the 'p' buttons again to move up and down in this pane to select a movie i want to watch.
My question is, how do I remove all the movies from this lower right hand pane to clear down all those I have watched, or is it a case as stated above that they can only be deleted one ay a time?

14-08-2015, 12:30 PM
While you have the playlist on screen, press the help button and you should get a menu item to clear the playlist