View Full Version : Can,t upload usr and etc to box via DCC .

14-08-2015, 02:38 PM
Network to Vusolo2 ok (green). -FTP kept alive.-Direct crossover.- Passive-show hidden files.-USB stick. -Root-New password restarted box and DCC accepted by Telnet.
Highlighted the files in FTP commander and transferred to other side-ok. Problem is it can,t seem to see the usr and etc files on the same flash to transfer.Tools- gave file a name as requested upoaded packages and then the protocal showed this for the three IPK files but zilch for the usr and etc files.

Install-PKG package
Copy source file
Transfer finished

Still can,t install plug ins because I don,t have bh.tgz files.
Never done this before it,s taken a lot of reading to get here but still stuck.
Any help appreciated, Teamviewer included.

Thanks all.

14-08-2015, 03:03 PM
not sure what you are trying to do reading the above, but I dont recognise anything there from installing my new vu solo2 recently, I certainly did not use any tgz files when doing mine and have not done so for a few years either

have you read the NEWBIES sticky thread tutorial at the top of this forum ? (dummies guide)

you should be following it and installing the BH ipk file for cccam v2.30 by ftp,ing it to var/tmp and then using the ipk installer from the menu

if this does not help, tell us in simple terms what you are trying to achieve ?
also the names of any plugins you are trying to install ?
also which actual image you have installed on the vu ?

14-08-2015, 04:46 PM
bh.tgz files need to go in to the /tmp folder.

14-08-2015, 05:03 PM
I would also suggest trying the VU+ Control Centre, supplied by lee, from Goldwafers, as that is a lot easier than the Dreambox Control centre, unless you're used to the DCC.
You also don't need to do the same, with the VU+, as you did with a Dreambox, you can easily connect using your router, and do everything you need to, without using a crossover cable.
Which version of Black Hole are you running?
Have you read the easy guides, once again provided by Lee?

15-08-2015, 07:14 PM
I think I now know whats going on but sods law now I cannot connect to stb with DCC. I have connected the pc directly to the box with ethernet cable, the pc has wireless enabled and DCC set to crossover. I this correct? Keep getting error 10057 send socket not connected" when I do search it only picks up my wife,s android IP and not the box. Switched her phone off and typed in the box address but my computer IP shows as the mobile. Can,t enter This computer manually.

15-08-2015, 08:33 PM
How have you set up your Solo 2, using WLAN or LAN?
Can you please go into the menu, setup, system, network, and check the Adapter settings, in either WLAN, or LAN.

I think you should forget using DCC and try the VU+ Control Centre, as it's easier to set up, also forget trying to connect your PC directly to your VU+ Solo 2, at least until you have the Solo 2 connected to your router/hub.

Are you trying to set up CCcam, and the CCcam.cfg file, on your VU+ Solo 2?

15-08-2015, 10:48 PM
Thank you I finally managed to get the IPK files to the tmp file and the cam has now been changed from common interface. Man install IPK files worked but man install black hole plugins still says nothing to install, need to install bh.tgz file.
VUCC is easier than DCC, thanks although that filezilla thing threw me. This is all a bit Klingon to me but i,m getting there. Hope I manage to install lines before i peg out.

15-08-2015, 10:54 PM
All you need, initially, is CCcam 230:

Once you've installed that installing your lines is relatively easy.
Start up Filezilla, connect to your receiver, scroll down to the var folder, top right window, click on the var folder, then the + sign, scroll to the etc folder and clcik on that.
Now in the bottom right window scroll down to the CCcam.cfg file, right click on this and select the View/Edit option.
Paste your lines, at the top, then save and close.
You will be asked to save changes and that's it.

15-08-2015, 11:04 PM
Thank you I finally managed to get the IPK files to the tmp file and the cam has now been changed from common interface. Man install IPK files worked but man install black hole plugins still says nothing to install, need to install bh.tgz file.
VUCC is easier than DCC, thanks although that filezilla thing threw me. This is all a bit Klingon to me but i,m getting there. Hope I manage to install lines before i peg out.

IF using a standard ethernet cable you need to connect the vu to a router, not to the pc or laptop (these need a crossover ethernet cable which I dont recommend

so standard ethernet cable from vu box rear socket to a spare socket on the router, then it will get internet connection

once internet connection is established, the BH plugins addons list will download from the net and you c an select anything on offer (this wont happen if not connected to the net, hence your problem)

once you have established a router and internet connection, DCC and VuCC and other tools will work in the usual default manner

I still have not used any tar.gz files on my solo2 , just ipk files , you were told this info in my post #2

also , in my post #2 you were asked several questions, you didnt answer any of them , not a good start :(

16-08-2015, 07:51 PM
Thanks so much for your help. finally got my line in. Had a major prob after my last post to you. The image I had on was 2.1.7 and I had spent ages choosing all the addons I wanted plus enabled the list from speed up, watched everyone load and reboot, kept getting nothing to install. thanks to you and the forums I dowloaded Vucc even I started to understand the method(better than DCC) got the enigma2 plugins to the box and enabled. started to download catseye 28.2 and got a green crash followed by blank screen, wouldnt boot up.

I flashed a new 217 but it,s different. followed your advice got the cline on and re installed enigma2 plugins. Can,t find TSmedia or On demand, Black hole speed up or all the add ons from enigma2 addons, in fact there is no add on field in Menu, can,t find them anywhere?

16-08-2015, 08:14 PM
try the green button , then look for the addons after using the yellow addons button (then top option - addons download manager), providing its connected to the router with a straight ethernet cable and therefore has net access

if its hasnt got net access, you are wasting your time, but the wizard should have taken you through IP and net access at installation

17-08-2015, 11:35 AM
Thanks for all the help received so far, steep learning curve but getting there.

2.1.7 loaded plug ins FTP to tmp thanks to VUCC ( easier than DCC), cams ok line working and the plugins/addons I installed show on green button and on main menu panel.

Felt pleased with myself and was watching golf PGA until I tried to update TSmedia, crashed, Green panel then on reboot no sat channels (network connection tested and fine) and message saying no more space is that why TSmedia and Kodi are "empty" Have 500gb hard disc and 16gb usb at the back. I have an seagate external 1Tb Hd .

where are plug ins/addons stored by default, how do I delegate the storage to the seagate external also what do you recommend putting what where, recordings etc? Should I uninstall plugins and move them? how to do this if necessary?

Afraid to change things at the moment , Should I reinstall lines to tmp?

17-08-2015, 11:53 AM
the space you are filling up is the internal flash, which is where the plugins etc are stored

here is my advice

get a 16 gb or 32 gb usb stick for the rear slot to store picons and epg data on (you seem to already have this) and format it to ext 4 on the solo 2 and then mount it as usb

like I have already mentioned in here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?171803-Open-TV-EPG-storage-issue-on-USB-stick

make sure its been mounted and formatted to ext4 by the vu solo 2 and is labelled as usb or similar in the path to it

any plugins you wish to move actually need redirecting to the usb stick using a symlink but its complicated and I dont think you are experienced enough yet to do so , an alternative is a plugin called flash expander but again not sure if you should try it or not

I see you have an external hdd ? bin it and fit a 1000 gb laptop hdd inside the box (one terabyte) - or similar large capacity hdd , unless the 500gb hdd is internal ? if it is , use it for recordings (make sure the paths are to store on internal hdd by mounting it and selecting it)

set recordings to hdd/movie so they store on the internal HDD

so its

epg data and picons to usb stick by redirecting the epg data to it in crossepg after formatting and mounting it
redirect plugins to a rear mounted usb stick (if you wish) to release internal flash capacity, formatted by the vu solo 2 as detailed in the dummies guide for epg data storage

store movies and recordings etc on an internal hdd (not external hdd) and set it as default for recordings

plugins are normally stored on the internal flash and are located way down the folder structures in extensions

the path is


they are uninstalled using the same menu I pointed you at earlier (green - yellow)

check the flash isnt all used up by pressing BLUE and I think its blue again and see how much space is in use and where

you do NOT want to have the internal flash full, which is what kodi, the epg data and the plugins are doing, so dont fill it full of plugins

I suspect you have not formatted and mounted the internal hdd or external usb stick using the solo 2 menus

18-08-2015, 10:04 PM
You were right. I accessed cams-info and it showed;- internal flash size 194.8m used 172.6 available 22.2 89%
sda1 465.5g 2.1 463.3 0%
sdb1 29.2g 69.6 28.8 0%
Plugins are going to internal flash. I had already formatted the usb with wizard and mounted hard disc and put recordings in there but I,m stuck with no plugins. Can i leave what,s in the internal flash and somehow direct all other plugins to usb? that might solve the problem? I,ll go to dummies guide first and check there to see if it shows how to do it.
You said it would be difficult but I,m willing to start from scratch if I can set up the plugins from the beginning-- with your help.
The second problem is that after I was so chuffed i,d got my lines on to cam 230 and working, the box crashed downloading a plug in . TSmedia again. When I rebooted I,d lost the lines. I,ve installed to the cccam three times, each time filezilla shows it,s gone to box, but nothing. Not sure If client is the line, but if so there are no clients showing. On skybox you can see the lines working in config, can I check it in solo2?
Feel like I went two steps forward and six steps back.

18-08-2015, 10:19 PM
you need to slow down for a start

every time you reinstall cccam you also reinstall the default cccam.cdf in var/etc , overwriting what is in there

it needs to be installed once, then replaced with a backup containing your lines , ftp the backup into var/etc and overwrite the default config , that way your backup with the added lines always trumps the installed one (you are causing your own problems by doing what you are doing)

your flash should allow a reasonable number of plugins so in your case you have far too many if your flash is almost full, plus I dont think the tsmedia plugin is compatible with bh217

you can google the word SYMLINK if you want to find tutorials on moving plugins to a usb stick (into a folder named Extensions) or you may find the flash expander plugin useful as it may help you achieve this, although I think you need to cut down on the number of plugins you have installed if your flash is so full (it was a problem on my duo 1 but isnt or shouldnt be on a solo 2)

learn to backup your essential files like configs etc from the box to your pc, that way its easy to ftp them over when you have problems

also follow the path to Extensions I gave you earlier and see how many plugins are in there, mine has 34 folders and 2 files , with no TSmedia at all

my flash is at 82% with the above and ram is at 29%

make sure epg data is being directed to the usb stick

have a picon folder on the usb stick and only put picons inside it (not anywhere else)

18-08-2015, 11:01 PM
I only installed 230 once I didn,t realise that by re-entering the lines into var/etc/cccam it was causing a prob. After the crash and lost lines I thought Ineeded to re-enter them. How do I make a back up? Is it too late to save the lines?

18-08-2015, 11:10 PM
Ok found it on Vucc, i,m getting there. how do i get the lines back on to back up?

18-08-2015, 11:19 PM
In filezilla Var/etc/CCcam right click there is an option to creat new file?

18-08-2015, 11:33 PM
In filezilla Var/etc/CCcam right click there is an option to creat new file?

the CCcam.cfg file is in var/etc folder

you can transfer it to your pc into a solo 2 backup folder, edit it in notepad plus (free download) , not notepad (adding your lines)

then ftp it back to var/etc , overwriting the existing one (also keeping it as a backup on your pc)

if you ever need to backup files or folders to your pc, use the solo 2 backup folder to store them in and use your FTP program to transfer them (like filezilla)

dont know how much rubbish you installed into plugins but get rid of the cr@p and get the flash down to say 80% (press blue then yellow to check)

press green then get the addons menu up and uninstall whatever isnt required that you have put in there when messing about

the latest BH images dont like TSmedia, so ditch it or dont use BH