View Full Version : Fine tuning a Spider Box 9900

18-08-2015, 05:18 PM
Hi Guys,

Could anyone please help me to fine tune my SB 9900 to receive the strongest possible signal using USALS.
My QUALITY signal is only around 50%, I think strong winds have slightly moved the polar mounted dish.

Newcastle area
Spiderbox 9900HD with IKS
80cm motorised dish

18-08-2015, 05:37 PM
You can either change to Diseqc 1.2, and manually store the satellite positions, or adjust your longitude setting, to try to compensate for any movement.
Both these are only temporary solutions and it would be best to re-align, and secure your dish, pole, and brackets.

18-08-2015, 05:51 PM
make sure your usals settings (GPS) are correct in the spiderbox menu

put the dish on 0.8w on bbc world news or the music channel

now go to the actual dish brackets and mark the current position on the dish mounting bracket and the pole and motor bracket

ensure the motor is set to your latitude and leave it locked on it

slacken the dish mounting bracket and move the dish up or down slightly and peak the signal,
also slacken the mounting u bolts holding the motor to the pole and slightly twist left and right, again peaking the signal

when this has all finished and the signal is at peak, lock it all up and mark it again to show where its currently best, using a black marker pen

then check the other satellites for signal and quality settings , especially 28.2e which should be a lot higher than your current figures

18-08-2015, 06:08 PM
I have a SB 9900 and have always noticed that this tuner is not as good as other receivers I have. At the moment I have it on a 1.2 offset dish with a twin LNB on which I also have another SB 6000. With the 6000 I do get more channels especially on 28.2E .
I have even changed wires over to see if it was due to the lnb but was still the same, so confirming that SB 6000's tuner is better.

18-08-2015, 10:18 PM
Thanks for your help guys,

Going to try all your suggestions and if I can't improve the signal quality, it's going have to be a new 6000HD.
Is it superior to the 9900? .....

18-08-2015, 10:51 PM
Forget a new receiver, your dish should be getting better figures, than you have posted, so the problem is with your dish alignment, or you haven't set your receiver up correctly, as Echelon posted.
You can have the best tuner ever built but it wont compensate for a poorly aligned dish.

18-08-2015, 11:41 PM
wot he said , lol ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^