View Full Version : Picture glitch on vertical channels

27-08-2015, 11:21 AM
I bought the receiver about a month ago and I've been trying to fix a problem of the picture breaking for about 1 or 2 seconds every minute or so on vertical channels. This happens on HD and SD FTA and scrambled channels. I've replaced the lnb 3 times checked all the cable connections etc but I'm still getting the problem. The signal strength and quality indicator appear the same on vertical and horizontal channels. This is a H to H set up using a V box and happens on all satellites even those with a very strong signal. I've tried two different softwares and all the settings in the satellite set up are correct so I'm beginning to think it might be a problem with the box.

Has anybody else experienced this and if so, was there a fix?

27-08-2015, 11:36 AM
I am assuming you are also doing the necessary recommended Factory resets.
A couple of elimination suggestions, bypass the Vbox by connecting Spiderbox direct to the LNB even if you have to move the Spider to the dish, or Spider to someone elses fixed 28e dish, the other suggestion is to try another monitor, HDMI Lead or Scart.

27-08-2015, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the ideas, I'll try by passing the vbox first and see what happens

28-08-2015, 01:41 PM
Sorted, the problem was caused by too many channels. Used the editor to build a new list and now everything fine