View Full Version : Removal of Wookie. ??

01-09-2015, 06:49 PM
Hi all,
I've put Wookie add on on my android box and don't like it at all, can anybody help me in uninstalling it by giving me the idiots guide on how to do so, so I'm back to the nice Kodi set up I like.



01-09-2015, 07:15 PM
I'm assuming you're using an Android device

Settings -> Apps -> Kodi then delete the data and the cache, this will take Kodi back to a default install.

01-09-2015, 11:07 PM
or if you wish to do a complete install...go to apps...settings...more settings...and scroll down and select reset
this will ofcourse set your box if its an android you are using...ie mygica box back to factory settings
mygica come with kodi preinstalled...as default...not sure about other android boxs

02-09-2015, 11:16 AM
My advice to anyone who does't like the Wookie front-end is when you install Wookie and it tells you to power off the box to continue - Don't.
Just press the OK button on remote and exit out of Kodi. Then launch Kodi again and you'll still have the default Kodi Skin and menu how you like it.

All the wookie apps will be installed but your front-end won't get modified. This is how I do it as I'm not a fan of the front-end either.

02-09-2015, 11:25 AM
brilliant...works great...thankyou hda5
that was my only bugbear about wookie...confusing menu...but you solved that now..with your suggestion

11-09-2015, 10:10 PM
I am a fan of the Wookie Wizard and have it on all my devices.
I can understand why people do not like the Aeon Nox skin that it defaults to. There's less selections on each page.
I always switch to the Confluence Costomizable Mod skin after running Wookie.
This gives a front end to Kodi, that most people are used to, but with the menus & add-ons already loaded and enabled.

To switch skins:-
System - Appearance - Skin - -> to Skin and OK - select the skin you want - Choose YES & press OK

You will be surprised how much better and familiar it will feel.
It's all down to personal choice.
