View Full Version : latest firmware for 9000hd please.

02-09-2015, 07:37 PM
hello,last time i upgraded my firmware was november 15 2011.
been looking around for latest firmware for 9000 hd,would this one be ok.
vasiks sp 9000hd 11/04/2014. reason i am upgrading i am having some problems with c line and n line connecting.

02-09-2015, 08:01 PM
I would say only use vasiks if you have their iks

otherwise use the last official firmware from here , march 2012 I think it is

02-09-2015, 08:06 PM
The latest vaisks patch for your receiver on this forum is posted here:


02-09-2015, 08:20 PM
thanks both for your replies,
i havent got the vasiks iks .so to be safe i will go for the march 2012 firmware.

05-09-2015, 09:41 PM
I too have an old patch for my 9000HD. Is it safe to download Vasiks patch. I do not understand by "their iks" in the thread. What is it?
Many thanks.

05-09-2015, 10:26 PM
If you don't know what Iks is and you are using the 9000HD at the present moment then it is best to stick to the March 2012 Firmware as stated in #2 and #4. The forum for Iks is not usually discussed on this forum.

05-09-2015, 10:37 PM
Apart from IKS, the v a s i k s patch contained some improvements over the last non-v patch. The improvements are slight and to do with line processing, but they are there.

08-11-2015, 09:26 PM
decided to take the chance and load the vasiks patch, lines working ok.
cheers for the help.

09-11-2015, 10:23 AM
Jackobeen, thanks for the post as I too am having the same problem.
Have loaded the Vasiks patch of the 11/04/2114 and reloaded the lines but for me have still the same issue.
Wondered if you have been successful because of the type of line ie, c or n


09-11-2015, 06:00 PM
hello,only loaded the patch yesterday .
have a n line for uk, and c lines for euro.
think the one being used at the mo is the n line.
will try both over the next few days and will let you know if there are any connection issues

10-11-2015, 01:10 PM
Ok thanks for the reply.
Am using a n line and works perfectly ok in the hd6000 I have so have come to the conclusion that the 9000 is faulty after trying all the firmware options that are available.
Was working perfectly ok the previous day and then for no reason no connection.

26-11-2015, 01:02 PM
quick update,tried just using a c line for a couple of days then an n line for a couple of days.
tried with both the vasiks firmware and the last spiderbox firmware from 2012.
still got connection problems, even on the fta channels with no picture or audio.
even worse now the box keeps rebooting if i try to change channels or go into the menu.
could somebody point me in the right direction please for a repair file for the spiderbox,i have seen it but cant find it now.
ps. have checked the coax and lnb and at the mo have a dreambox working on this
lnb with no probs.
think i have found the repair file ,will try later.

26-11-2015, 01:54 PM
repair files are in the spiderbox TOOLS sub-forum

the 9000 is an old box now and suffers from various issues including dry capacitors etc, so if the box is faulty and if its beyond economical repair, bin it like the rest of us have had to do (same with the 7000 , of which all mine have failed in some way, usually the reboot and restarts issues)

one recent post by tonyo indicated he had changed a lot of components on one and got it working again, but it was expensive and the labour time alone makes it uneconomical

these things dont last forever, so dont expect them to


26-11-2015, 01:55 PM
The last repair tool for your receiver can be found here:


Latest patch is here:


or you could try this one:


29-11-2015, 04:58 PM
loaded the repair file,but the box is still rebooting .tried to load the firmware from 2012
but the receiver doesnt recognize the usb stick now.will try with another usb stick tomorrow,
i think the box has had it.

29-11-2015, 05:47 PM
exactly my point earlier