View Full Version : Strange problem with Vu Duo 2

04-09-2015, 09:04 PM
I have pli on my vu duo 2

The last few times Ive updated the software on line its got stuck in booting mode

Message reads The user interface of you box is restarting...

Sometimes it been as long as 10 minutes

In the end I've had to switch off at back & on again to clear

Any ideas what might be causing this

Its connected via ethernet has 1TB HDD fitted & no USB sticks

Its not set for dual boot or anything else

04-09-2015, 09:28 PM
Sometimes if you turn the box off from the plug without shutting it down you corrupt the software on the flash chip and get this, you are best shutting the box down properly - and if you are still getting this - a full reflash will be required.

04-09-2015, 10:31 PM
See if you can access the box via telnet if you can, simply type reboot but as mrdude said if the image is corrupt, reinstall from scratch if you dont any corruption will be carried forwards.

04-09-2015, 11:06 PM
See if you can access the box via telnet if you can, simply type reboot but as mrdude said if the image is corrupt, reinstall from scratch if you dont any corruption will be carried forwards.

Thanks for the input
Im sure I reflashed the box with latest pli image around a month ago

Do u mean by installing latest release from pli for vu duo 2
or installing some original image direct from vu themselves??

Ten Below
05-09-2015, 12:08 AM
Do u mean by installing latest release from pli for vu duo 2
or installing some original image direct from vu themselves??

The latest PLI version is all you will need, its not uncommon to have problems after a large online update though PLI normally do advise when its better to do a full reflash though i don't see anything recent listed there now but its by far the quickest & easiest way to solve your problem imo.

05-09-2015, 07:02 AM
Are you using crossepg ?

05-09-2015, 08:51 AM
Yep CrossEPG is the problem.

There is a bug associated with the first restart after the EPG DAT file has been updated. Its extremely annoying and only effects the first restart or reboot and Pli either wont or cant fix it.

The solution for now is to use the Pli EPG Import plugin instead which uses the same Rytec sources,the downside is unfortunately it doesnt support OpenTV

Alternatively, if you really want OpenTV, then simply turn off the daily auto update of CrossEPG and just run it manually once a week when the data runs out.You will still have the bug on the first restart or reboot after the data has been updated,but at least it wont be a daily occurrence.


EDIT: Mr Dude and nml have given you some excellent advice above that should be strictly adhered to.

NEVER,NEVER flick the switch at the back f the box to restart it except in extreme emergencies,always instead telnet in and issue the restart or reboot command. If you repeatedly use the switch at the back to restart you will corrupt your image,think of your box as a pc, would you turn off windows using the power switch ? I think not,because you know it may corrupt things.

05-09-2015, 04:00 PM
Yep CrossEPG is the problem.

There is a bug associated with the first restart after the EPG DAT file has been updated. Its extremely annoying and only effects the first restart or reboot and Pli either wont or cant fix it.

The solution for now is to use the Pli EPG Import plugin instead which uses the same Rytec sources,the downside is unfortunately it doesnt support OpenTV

Alternatively, if you really want OpenTV, then simply turn off the daily auto update of CrossEPG and just run it manually once a week when the data runs out.You will still have the bug on the first restart or reboot after the data has been updated,but at least it wont be a daily occurrence.


EDIT: Mr Dude and nml have given you some excellent advice above that should be strictly adhered to.

NEVER,NEVER flick the switch at the back f the box to restart it except in extreme emergencies,always instead telnet in and issue the restart or reboot command. If you repeatedly use the switch at the back to restart you will corrupt your image,think of your box as a pc, would you turn off windows using the power switch ? I think not,because you know it may corrupt things.

Cheers Ian
Its a shame that pli team wont/cant fix it as find its one of the better images to use
If another team start producing a similar image with bugs fixed folk will stop using pli altogether

05-09-2015, 04:04 PM
its the same on all Pli based images I'm afraid even Open BH will have this bug. Most other images use Pli as their base so they also have this bug too.

Pli are not interested in fixing it because it relates to the third party plugin CrossEPG. As usual they blame that as the problem.Ive tried arguing with them about this,but its fell on deaf ears as usual,Sonic1 has had a go too,but to no avail. They simply blame CrossEPG and say its up to authors of this to fix as you dont change an image to accommodate a plugin. The fact remains though the CrossEPG has not changed,its Pli that has,but they wont listen.Pli is by far the best image around,but they are forever changing things with little or no regard for third party plugins,the last issue was with the Auto Volume Adjustment plugin,their changes caused this plugin the crash enigma2 and i had to add a Sanity Check into my own version to prevent the crashes because i refuse to give up and stop using this excellent and extremely useful plugin.

Regarding your issue though,the EPG Import plugin does just as good a job,but as stated no OpenTV EPG unfortunately.


05-09-2015, 04:23 PM
Shame they choose to treat users with contempt, not what you would call good 'customer service'

05-09-2015, 04:34 PM
Contempt is not exactly what I would call it,but I do take your point.

I'm fedup of arguing with them over their disregard of what their image changes do to third party plugins,but I also do understand that things do move on and that they cannot "babysit" as it were, older plugins so that they continue to run and I do except what they say that its up to the plugin writers to keep up.

So I just tend to fix whatever plugin they break myself these days,its much quicker than trying to get them to revert an image change.

This bug however has been impossible to trace so far as it doesnt cause a crash and just hangs the image,so no log is generated,so ive not been able to fix it within the CrossEPG plugin as no amount of enigma2 logging has come up showing any issues, so instead Ive taken the easy route of just using the EPG Import plugin instead,lazy I know,but time these days is limited.
