View Full Version : Kodi on Android box picture setup

05-09-2015, 10:43 AM
I had Kodi installed on my Mac and it worked great. Now, I bought an Android box and installed Kodi, but I noticed that some streams that are in full screen on my computer are 4:3 boxed style on my Android box. I set my Android box to 1080p 60Hz and I don't know what else to do, since some streams play full screen but others such as BBC ITV etc. are shown in a box, while on the computer, they are full screen. Is there something that I missed to set in either Kodi or Android?


05-09-2015, 11:59 AM
open kodi...select a tv program or film...start to play it.
now while it is playing...select ok on your remote
now you should see at bottom of your screen...a menu..pause fastforward etc
scroll along to what looks like a real of film...click that
it will now bring up video settings...select view mode...16.9
now scroll down and select ..set as default for all videos
this will then say...are you sure...this will reset any previously saved values...click yes
thats it..all programs video will now auto play in whatever format you selected...ie 16.9
if you repeat above.. and select sound icon next to it..you can do same with sound..volume amplification...remember to select set as default for all
ps..some older programs..if broadcast in 4.3...may still show in 4.3

05-09-2015, 12:15 PM
Thanks mate. That did the trick.

keith lard
13-03-2016, 03:24 PM
Nice kodi addon is Spitfire, you find all info on youtube!

13-03-2016, 03:41 PM
Nice kodi addon is Spitfire, you find all info on youtube!

I think you'll find it's a build, rather that an addon.