View Full Version : How to get a Windows 10 pc to connect to a VU+ Du02

07-09-2015, 10:33 AM
Loaded win 10 on to my PC a couple of days ago, everything seems to be working fine except I cannot connect to my VU+ DUO 2?

I usuallly download films to my pc and then copy them across to the HDD on my VU, but I cannot seee it with the PC nor connect to it using VU CC by Lee or even ping it?

Any ideas on what I've done wrong or how to connect to it.


07-09-2015, 03:30 PM
sounds like network discovery is not on in win 10.
If you look in file explorer network you should see VUDUO2 with two folders root and hdd.
Open network and sharing centre then advanced sharing settings.

07-09-2015, 03:43 PM
think the same happened on my lads toshiba, seem to remember doing something like crabber said above

07-09-2015, 06:22 PM
nothing should change at all..Win 10 same as win 7 and so on..DCC/FTP should connect to the boxes ip straight away..I assume the box ip etc are correct in DCC bud??

07-09-2015, 09:39 PM
I had the same Issue & found that it was my Internet Security Firewall settings which was blocking access to my box

which was easily resolved

08-09-2015, 10:22 AM
Thanks all,
FYI, at the same time I moved to win 10 I also changed my BT home hub from a hub 1 to a hub 4.
This completely changed the ip ranges on the new hub so on the new hub they were like 192.168.1.nn and on the other devices (including the VU) they were on 192.168.0.nn. Seems like it may be a BT change?

Once I swapped the 0 to 1 on all devices I could see them from the hub and connect to them all.

Strange thing was though I could still access the internet from them all on the old ip's?